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Friday, June 07, 2013
Say: 'Pay your contribution for the Cause willingly or unwillingly.'
Koran: 9:53
Koran: 9:53
Muslim Brotherhood Hate Group Hamas-CAIR Lauds Department of Justice Sharia Initiative to Criminalize Criticism of Islam
Hamas-CAIR is praising its tools at the Department of Justice for pursuing a sharia agenda to restrict free speech and criminalize criticism Islam.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (“CAIR”) is a terrorist organization operating as a front group for Hamas and its affiliated organizations. CAIR was begun as a Hamas front group to carry out the Muslim Brotherhood’s anti-American agenda. Much, but not all of this evidence, was documented in United States v. Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development et al., 3:04-cr-00240-P (N.D. Texas) (“HLF”).
The evidence shows that CAIR is a criminal terrorist organization. This conclusion is shared by the United States government. CAIR was named an unindicted co-conspirator in a massive conspiracy to fundraise for, and otherwise pursue, the terrorist agenda of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Palestine Committee, a public relations and fund raising arm of Hamas in the United States.
The evidence shows that CAIR is a criminal terrorist organization. This conclusion is shared by the United States government. CAIR was named an unindicted co-conspirator in a massive conspiracy to fundraise for, and otherwise pursue, the terrorist agenda of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Palestine Committee, a public relations and fund raising arm of Hamas in the United States.
CAIR was named as one of the organizations formed by the defendants and co-conspirators to create the appearance of legality in the effort to raise funds and public support for Hamas and its jihad abroad.
Specifically, CAIR was named as one of the organizations formed by the defendants and co-conspirators to create the appearance of legality in the effort to raise funds and public support for Hamas and its jihad abroad.As the evidence in the HLF trial demonstrated, these plans were part of a Philadelphia planning meeting carried out by Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas operatives, a meeting which the FBI secretly recorded pursuant to a lawful court order, the entire transcript of which was introduced into the record at the HLF trial. Two of the key participants at this Muslim Brotherhood-Hamas planning meeting were Omar Ahmad and Nihad Awad. Ahmad co-founded CAIR, along with CAIR’s executive director Awad, in 1994 soon after this meeting. Ahmad served as CAIR’s chairman of the board until 2005 and Awad still serves as CAIR’s executive director.
Further, the federal prosecutors successfully resisted every effort by CAIR to have the public designation of CAIR as an “unindicted co-conspirator” removed from the court record and concluded as follows in its brief to the court:
This group is applauding the attempt to restrict free speech. Are you surprised?
CAIR Applauds Feds for Standing Up to Tenn. Anti-Muslim 'Mob' June 5, 2013
WASHINGTON, June 5, 2013 — /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation's largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, today applauded federal officials who were heckled last night in Tennessee by an anti-Muslim "mob."
At an event sponsored by the American Muslim Advisory Council, a large group of protesters heckled and interrupted speeches by Bill Killian, U.S. Attorney of the Eastern District of Tennessee, and by Kenneth Moore, FBI special agent in charge of the Eastern Tennessee District.
"We applaud the federal officials who, while defending First Amendment freedoms, stood up for the right of American Muslims to be free from bias-motivated attacks and intimidation," said CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper. "The mob mentality demonstrated at last night's event should be a wake-up call to all Americans who value religious tolerance."
Hooper said last night's hate protest was organized by Pamela Geller, regarded by many as the nation's most notorious Islamophobe. She is head of the hate groups Stop Islamization of America (SIOA) and American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI).
ADL: Stop Islamization of America (SIOA)
Southern Poverty Law Center Profile of Pamela Geller
She is also the subject of a CAIR "Islamophobe profile" documenting the individuals and organizations involved in spreading anti-Muslim bias in the United States.
WASHINGTON, June 5, 2013 — /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation's largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, today applauded federal officials who were heckled last night in Tennessee by an anti-Muslim "mob."
At an event sponsored by the American Muslim Advisory Council, a large group of protesters heckled and interrupted speeches by Bill Killian, U.S. Attorney of the Eastern District of Tennessee, and by Kenneth Moore, FBI special agent in charge of the Eastern Tennessee District.
"We applaud the federal officials who, while defending First Amendment freedoms, stood up for the right of American Muslims to be free from bias-motivated attacks and intimidation," said CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper. "The mob mentality demonstrated at last night's event should be a wake-up call to all Americans who value religious tolerance."
Hooper said last night's hate protest was organized by Pamela Geller, regarded by many as the nation's most notorious Islamophobe. She is head of the hate groups Stop Islamization of America (SIOA) and American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI).
ADL: Stop Islamization of America (SIOA)
Southern Poverty Law Center Profile of Pamela Geller
She is also the subject of a CAIR "Islamophobe profile" documenting the individuals and organizations involved in spreading anti-Muslim bias in the United States.
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