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Wednesday, June 26, 2013
We will make smooth for him the path to misery.
Koran: 92:8
Koran: 92:8
London Imam unable to refute Robert Spencer’s claims about Koran on the BBC
As you know, the invaders and their leftist lapdogs are on a jihad to get Robert Spencer and Pam Geller banned in Britain.
It is a shock to those who are paying attention.
Imagine, the country of the Magna Carta Libertatum or The Great Charter of the Liberties of England would consider banning two human rights activists whose body of work is founded on the freedom of speech, freedom of conscience and individual rights. The Magna Carta led to the rule of constitutional law. It was the the model for the legal structure of the American colonies.
Robert Spencer was on the BBC last Friday morning, after he saw that they were planning to discuss the attempt to bar us from the U.K. without bothering to ask them what they thought about it. He wrote back: "How typical of the BBC to discuss this without giving us a chance to defend ourselves." To their shock and delight, the producer then asked him to be on the show.
Here is what happened -- is it any wonder that the media blacklists freedom activists like Spencer and Geller? Every time they appear, millions hear the truth and our ranks multiply. Spencer hits it out of the park.
Part of my interview on the BBC last Friday: when the host asked me for some objectionable Qur'an verses. I supplied a few, and then the host asked an imam about them. The imam was unable to answer, and said that the Qur'an was my field, not his!
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