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Monday, May 27, 2013
The infidels aid one another. Unless you do the same there will be anarchy in the land. Those who accepted Islam and left their homes to fight in Allah's Cause are good Muslims.

Koran: 8:73

What Bob Carr, Australian Foreign Minister, Says "Would Be A Huge Tragedy"

"On a visit to Baalbek on Thursday, Australia's foreign minister, Bob Carr, said the week's events had marked a ground shift in Syria's war. The deteriorating situation there, he said, "could become a sectarian civil war across the region. The prospect of it being a Shia, Sunni war across more than one country and this would be a huge tragedy."
What do you think?
What's wrong with Bob Carr? And what's wrong with all the bob-carrs in the Western world? Perhaps, for a start, they fail to recognize, to adequately gauge, the world-wide threat of the adherents of Islam, and the inadequacy, the want of preparation, the want of knowledge, the want of imagination, of those who presume, everywhere in the West, to instruct and protect us.
Today's news made by « newenglishreview/Hugh Fitzgerald » 

Do you think the Iran-Iraq War, that kept both the Khomeini regime, in the bright dawn of its madness and aggression, and Saddam Hussein's regime, busy with their mutual bloodletting for eight years, was "a huge tragedy" for the world's non-Muslims?

Do you think that watching the members of Jabhat Al-Nusra (including all those Muslims who come from Australia, from Germany and France and England, but who are sufficiently fanatical in their faith to have rushed to Syria to fight) engage in fighting with members of Hezbollah, fighting that is accompanied by mutual takfiring (declaring the enemy -- Sunni or Shi'a -- to be Infidels) in Qusayr isa "huge tragedy"?

Do you think the fact that Sunni Arabs in Iraq will never acquiesce in their new, inferior status, and Shi'a in Iraq will never surrender the power that they have acquired, that automatically transferred to them (they are at least three times as numerous as the Sunni Arabs in Iraq) once the regime of Saddam Hussein had been toppled, and that now the bombing of Sunnis by Shiites and of Shiites by Sunnis, and with the possibility of large-scale warfare between the two sects a distinct possibility, constitutes a "huge tragedy" for the world's non-Muslims?

If, in Lebanon, in Yemen, in Pakistan, in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia, Sunnis go on the offensive against Shi'a, enraged perhaps at the news of Shi'a victories, and of course massacres of Sunnis, in Qusayr, and that leads to disruption and bloodletting between Sunnis and Shi'a in these places -- and perhaps even between Sunnis and Shi'a in London, or Dearborn, or Berlin -- would that constitute, for the world's non-Muslims, a "huge tragedy"?

What's wrong with Bob Carr? And what's wrong with all the bob-carrs in the Western world? Perhaps, for a start, they fail to recognize, to adequately gauge, the world-wide threat of the adherents of Islam, and the inadequacy, the want of preparation, the want of knowledge, the want of imagination, of those who presume, everywhere in the West, to instruct and protect us.

But not everyone is ill-prepared. Not everyone is ignorant. Not everyone is without ideas as to how to weaken the Camp of Islam. And those who are prepared will welcome the disarray, and the mounting hatred of Sunni for Shi'a, and of Shi'a for Sunni.

It may or may not be a "huge tragedy" for Muslims. For non-Muslims, it's just the ticket.


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