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Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Tolerance of the Intolerant is Cowardice.

Aayan Hirsi Ali


Accused rioter Mohammed Issai Issaka berated in court after refusing to stand for Magistrate Jacqueline Milledge
You can tell me where it is in his religion that it says he cannot stand
Millions of Muslims slip into Western countries because we are kind, tolerant and generous. They come with their pre-assembled model of society and government (sharia) which they think is "clearly superior" to what we have, as can be evidenced by the hell-holes they come from.
A protester holds a home made sign during a rally in Sydney's central business district as anger over a film that insults the Prophet Mohammed spread to Australia on Saturday
A protester holds a home-made sign during a rally
 in Sydney's central business district as anger
 over a film that insults the Prophet Mohammed
 spread to Australia on Saturday
Here we have a savage Muslim violently attack police during a protest against free speech in Australia, claiming that his religious beliefs stop him for rising for the court - the standard practice whenever a judge or magistrate enters or leaves.

This is the sharia in action. Why would anyone, who regarded their personal system of governance superior to the country in which they are living - be allowed to remain in that country? That is treason. They should be thrown out... together with their whole extended family. And they should be very grateful that we are civilized people who don’t rampage and riot through our own cities, torching mosques and murdering and raping Muslims with celestially motivated maniacal wild eyed fury; just like the they do when confronted with cartoons they find humorless. We are civilized people. And Muslims should thank their god for that because we would behead them in the streets for their treachery if we were like them.

Australians, like the Canadians, Dutch, British, in fact the whole of Europe, don't really care. They are so laid-back they are virtually comatose. If this magistrate is prepared to continue with proceedings after allowing this piece of garbage to disrespect the court, then she HAS CLEARLY capitulated to Sharia. What does that say about Australia?

Protesters pray in front of a line of police officers in Sydney's Hyde Park today
Protesters pray in front of a line of police
 officers in Sydney's Hyde Park today.
This is Australia. Weep.
Those of us who give a damn must speak up, loudly, before our dhimmy politicians take that right away from us also. We need to take the trouble to converse with people and debate Islamic issues that affect our every-day lives. Our politicians drool tolerant platitudes to intolerant Islamists together with inter-faith traitors; they have already sold us out. The media hardly dares to illuminate Islam in an unflattering light because Muslim apologists flood the media with a tsunami of noise cancelling Islamophobic whining. And we are all so sick of that miserable theatre... so we do nothing.
Multiculturalism has paralysed our minds to the reality of creeping Sharia and what the Muslims are doing to our beautiful and tolerant countries. What makes naive tolerant Westerners think that these people don't take literally the Islamists Koran which says that women are no better than cattle, and infidels, that's all the rest of you women, are simply white-meat-sex-slaves. You just need to flick back at some of my other posts to see that.

Does this magistrate know or even care, that this Muslim believes she is not worth more than a sex-slave or a domestic animal? Because in Islam, that is what she is. Sura (2:223) - "Your wives are as a tilth unto you; so approach your tilth when or how ye will." that is the reason this savage will not respect her.

Our Politicians have bought the crack cocaine of Islam, refined it and dealt it out to their citizens in crack-multiculturalism packets... using their citizens own money. We are so high on tolerance and capitulation and ignorance that we don't even care when the laws of our land are crapped on by people who should be eternally grateful we let them and their sick parents and hoards of siblings into our lives to feast on our social security and kindness.
Today's news made by « dailytelegraph » 

A MAN accused of rioting during last year's violent Muslim protests has been berated for his "disrespect" after refusing to stand before a magistrate at his court hearing.

A policeman, injured by protesters, is assisted by colleagues in central Sydney today after anger over an anti-Islam video spread to Australia Mohammed Issai Issaka, who was charged with riot, assaulting police and resisting arrest over the September incident, this morning said his religious beliefs stopped him for rising for the court - the standard practice whenever a judge or magistrate enters or leaves.

Magistrate Jacqueline Milledge repeatedly demanded Issaka stand for her, telling him she didn’t accept his refusal.

"You can tell me where it is in his religion that it says he cannot stand," she said to Issaka's lawyer, Stephen Hopper.

"I was a magistrate at Bankstown Court for four years and I have never had to deal with such disrespect."

The hearing had to be postponed for nearly half an hour after the prosecution and defence consulted Ms Milledge, with the case eventually continuing after Issaka waited outside the courtroom as everyone stood for the magistrate.

Constable Allan Simon, who helped arrest Issaka during the CBD protests, told the court he first noticed the man take a "boxer stance" in front of a police line, where he was "jerking backwards and forwards" and "hissing" at the officers' dogs.

He said he next saw the accused rioter about 15 minutes later when he was violently lashing out at riot squad police.
"There was like a running jump-kick at the (officers') shields and he was punching the shields," he said.

A protester hits a policeman with a pole in in Sydney today as anger of the anti-Islamic video produced in the U.S. spread to Australia
A protester hits a policeman with a pole in in Sydney.
This is Australia. Weep.
Constable Simon said three officers brought Issaka to the ground but he continued resisting them and the man kicked him in the knee before he was bundled into a police van.

While in the truck he kept repeating "I have no respect for you guys", the court heard.

Issaka shook his head repeatedly during parts of the constable’s evidence.

Sgt Catherine Sadler said she saw Issaka dragged towards the police van and she heard him yell out: "You’re not a lady, you’re f…ing filth".

"I don’t recall anyone other female officers being there – I took the abuse as being towards me," she said.

Issaka, who pleaded not guilty to the charges, has claimed he only acted in self-defence to being violently restrained during the protests.

He produced a bloodied beanie during his last hearing date in February as proof of the injuries he allegedly suffered in the confrontations with police.


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