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Thursday, May 16, 2013
I heard him swear by Allah unequivocally, 'As long as Adam was in his right mind, he would never have eaten from the tree. Eve gave him wine and got him drunk. She led him to the tree.

Tabari I:281

Scientists all over the world try hard to improve human knowledge. Medical researchers spend timeless hours in laboratories trying to help improve treatment of disease.

The great religion of Islam is not lagging far behind. Reputable Muslim authorities are giving out unique Fatwas to solve practical societal problems. I was hoping for fatwas to limit the number of wives to one, declare illegal the beating of a wife by the husband, and declare Ham Halal meat to enjoy. I have not heard anything like that yet, but I keep hoping.
Today's news made by « faithfreedom » 
Here is the video. It is in Arabic for our faithful Muslim readers. Inshalah!
What are the learned imams of Islam are giving Fatwas about? Alhamdulillah, Allah guided me to the right video with some fine Muslim Fatwas suitable for the 21st century. The video is in Arabic, so I will list the fatwas in English so the non-Arabic viewer can enjoy reading such Fatwas too:
  1. A learned Muslim Imam in Europe gave a Fatwa preventing women from touching fruits and vegetables that are “tempting” like Banana and Cucumber.
  2. Another genius Imam from north Africa declared that it is Halal for a husband to have sex with his deceased wife.
  3. A fine Imam from Somalia declared Haram (illegal) eating Sambousek (a small tortilla like wrap that has inside some meats and other ingredients because when wrapped, a cross-like shape is formed.
  4. An Egyptian cleric gave a fatwa preventing girls from marrying members of certain political parties.

Finally, a Fatwa that the Muslim Umma (nation) should be proud of:
  • A well learned Imam declared Halal the eating of Jinn meat (Jinns are mythical creatures that I thought Islam considered them “angelic” beings with no meat in them. But thank Allah to this Imam, he changed my mind!!)
And who says Islam is not conducive to understanding the world in a scientific manner!!


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