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Thursday, May 09, 2013
When it's time to pray and you have just used the toilet or touched a woman, be
sure to wash up. If you can't find any water, just rub some dirt on yourself.

Koran 5:6

Question: “Does someone who insults the Torah or the New Testament engage in apostasy, given that these include some words of God?

Judgment: Despising the Torah or the New Testament

Porky buttQuestion: "Does someone who insults the Torah or the New Testament engage in apostasy, given that these include some words of God?"
Answer: "It would be impermissible to disdain the Torah and New Testament if they contained the truth and the name of the exalted, such as the name of God the Most High. Whoever does this [i.e., disrespect the books] knowingly and by choice would be considered an apostate and would be despised by God. But [in fact] the Torah and New Testament do not have anything exalted in them. They are known to have been corrupted, so there is no problem disdaining them.

Ash-Shams[ad-Din] Ar-Ramli [d.1004 A.D.] said in [his book of fiqh] Nihayat al-Muhtaj: "It is impermissible to use respected books like those of hadith and fiqh for anal cleansing after defecation (al-istinja',الأستنجاء ), but non-respected books like philosophy, Torah and the New Testament, which are known as corrupt and which do not contain exalted names, can be used for anal cleansing after defecation."

Interestingly, Fatwa #40378 is no longer posted at the Encyclopedia of Fatwas; an announcement on its old page drably states that "There is no fatwa with this number." The screen shot posted on my website, however, establishes that this fatwa was once posted.
Fatwa #40378 appears to have been removed in late 2009, as a result of the Dena Milany controversy. Milany, a German woman, posted the fatwa inEnglish translation and Arabic original, then posted a call on Facebook for a "koran toilet paper roll," complete with graphic of such an item.Muslims demanded the deletion of this page and the agitation reached to Egypt, where Sheikh Ali Abu'l-Hasan, a former president of Al-Azhar University's Fatwa Committee, published a fatwa (reported in the Egyptian newspaper Al-Yawm as-Sabi' on September 27, 2009) in which he ordered the "shedding of [her] blood." Milany responded by publicizing the above fatwa on her blog,http://denamilany.blogspot.com.

Despite its removal, the fatwa remains valid. Taking it down from the website does not cancel it; that would require that the institution that issued it formally declare it illegitimate. This has not happened because the Shari'a clearly permits istinja' with the Bible. Indeed, specialists on Shari'a have through the centuries discussed the legitimacy of istinja' using the Torah and New Testament. (September 21, 2010)
Today's news made by « sheikyermami » 
Today's news made by « danielpipes » 

Humanity can have no happiness without Islam. Humanity can enjoy no
goodness, unless the sun of monotheism, the Koran, and the Sunna shines upon
it. The world without the sun of the divine revelation is a place of eternal
darkness, as we can see today – a world of frustration, collapse, injustice,
arbitrariness, and wrongdoing. The world today is a jungle – a world of
barbarism of all kinds. People in many parts of the world are not happy,
because they do not walk in the path of Allah.
There are rules of shari’a in everything. We have counted almost 70 rules about how to urinate and defecate. In contrast, how do those beasts in the West answer the call of nature? They stand in front of other people, in toilets at airports and other public places. They do not care about covering their private parts. Even their underwear is colored and not white, so it can conceal all that filth. We are a nation that has long known the meaning of cleanliness, what to do when nature calls, and what the rules of hygiene are. The others, to this day, live like beasts. To this day, many of them are not circumcised, even though the World Health Organization has advised circumcising people as a treatment for AIDS, because it has been scientifically proven that circumcised people are less susceptible to AIDS, and are less likely to spread it than uncircumcised people.

Use only clean pebbles after defecating:

The wisdom of Arabia from the noble hadith:

Some of the 70 Islamic ways to shit and piss:

Do not urinate in holes – Jinns live there AD1-7-29
Bones and dung are food for Jinns B5-126-200, M1-244-903, AD1-9-39
Bones are food for Jinn; Camel dung is fodder for their animals M1-244-903
Charcoal is food for jinns AD1-9-39
You must use an uneven number of pebbles, no less than 3

Clip #1520: Saudi Cleric Muhammad Al-Munajid: "This is the Islam that Allah
Wants to Spread Throughout the World and to Rule the Land in its Entirety,"
Western "Beasts" Wear Colored Underwear to Conceal Their Filth....

Sheikh Muhammad Al-Munajid: This is a nation of monotheism, and this is the
Islam that Allah wants to spread throughout the world, and to rule the land
it its entirety....

..There are rules of shari'a in everything. We have counted almost 70 rules
about how to urinate and defecate. In contrast, how do those beasts in the
West answer the call of nature...?

..They do not care about covering their private parts. Even their underwear is colored and not white, so it can conceal all that filth!


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