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Monday, April 08, 2013
And Allah taught Adam all the names as follows: He taught him the name of everything, down to fart and little fart.

Saudi Arabia is facing appeals to over-rule a court that ordered a man paralysed as retribution for a stabbing that left a man unable to walk a decade ago.

Murder, honor killing, paedophilia and a smorgasbord of evil come to us via diabolical Sharia rulings, prove once again the superiority of humans over the muhommanoid sub-species. Retribution by paralysing someone from waist down if he fails to pay compensation of one million riyals ($270,000), is devilishly unholy by even the sewer standards of these anti-humans.
Today's news made by « telegraph » 
Ali al-Khawahir, 24, was reportedly sentenced to Qisas, or retribution, in the Eastern Province town of Al-Ahsa and could be paralysed from waist down if he fails to pay compensation of one million riyals ($270,000), the rights watchdog said, citing Saudi media reports.

It said Khawahir had stabbed his friend in the back in 2003, rendering him paralysed from the waist down. He was 14 at the time.

Amnesty International, the rights group, said the sentence "should on no account be carried out".
"Paralysing someone as punishment for a crime would be torture," said Ann Harrison, Middle East and North Africa deputy director at Amnesty. "That such a punishment might be implemented is utterly shocking, even in a context where flogging is frequently imposed as a punishment for some offenses, as happens in Saudi Arabia."

"It is time the authorities in Saudi Arabia start respecting their international legal obligations and remove these terrible punishments from the law," she said in a statement.

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