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Sunday, March 24, 2013
Intense clashes at Egypt's Brotherhood HQ.
Cairo's Brotherhood headquarters sees protests and violence, with at least 40 injured and no deaths reported. What? NO DEATHS. They're not doing it right! english.ahram
At least 40 people have been injured, according to a health ministry source as the number is expected to soar. No deaths were reported. Police repeatedly fired teargas from the headquarters at anti-Brotherhood protesters throughout the day. Earlier, protesters had already started gathering for 'Friday of Restoring Dignity' demonstrations at the headquarters in the hilly Cairo suburb to demonstrate against the Islamist group.Brotherhood members and supporters, in return, formed human chains around the building to protect it from any possible attacks.
The call to protest was prompted after Muslim Brotherhood members and guards reportedly attacked a group of anti-Brotherhood protesters and graffiti artists outside the Islamist group's headquarters on Saturday. Clashes started at Friday noon in Nafura Square, less than a kilometre away from the headquarters, and continued throughout the day into the evening. Many protesters suffered head injuries, with the injured being carried to ambulances stationed nearby, said Ahram Online's reporter on the ground.
Former presidential candidate Khaled Ali was injured during the clashes and taken to hospital for treatment. Meanwhile, buses transporting Brotherhood supporters to Mokattam were torched by protesters.
Demonstrators also attacked and smashed microbuses transporting Muslim Brotherhood members on the main road that leads to the headquarters, as some anti-Brotherhood protesters set up check points. Gunshots sounds was occasionally heard at the scene, although it was unclear which side the shots were coming from or the type of firearm being used. An Ahram Online reporter saw protesters on both sides carrying firearms.
Cairo's Brotherhood headquarters sees protests and violence, with at least 40 injured and no deaths reported. What? NO DEATHS. They're not doing it right! english.ahram
These are the 'Friday of Restoring Dignity' demonstrations. They will need more time than that... maybe the entire millennium.
At least 40 people have been injured, according to a health ministry source as the number is expected to soar. No deaths were reported. Police repeatedly fired teargas from the headquarters at anti-Brotherhood protesters throughout the day. Earlier, protesters had already started gathering for 'Friday of Restoring Dignity' demonstrations at the headquarters in the hilly Cairo suburb to demonstrate against the Islamist group.Brotherhood members and supporters, in return, formed human chains around the building to protect it from any possible attacks.
The call to protest was prompted after Muslim Brotherhood members and guards reportedly attacked a group of anti-Brotherhood protesters and graffiti artists outside the Islamist group's headquarters on Saturday. Clashes started at Friday noon in Nafura Square, less than a kilometre away from the headquarters, and continued throughout the day into the evening. Many protesters suffered head injuries, with the injured being carried to ambulances stationed nearby, said Ahram Online's reporter on the ground.
Former presidential candidate Khaled Ali was injured during the clashes and taken to hospital for treatment. Meanwhile, buses transporting Brotherhood supporters to Mokattam were torched by protesters.
Demonstrators also attacked and smashed microbuses transporting Muslim Brotherhood members on the main road that leads to the headquarters, as some anti-Brotherhood protesters set up check points. Gunshots sounds was occasionally heard at the scene, although it was unclear which side the shots were coming from or the type of firearm being used. An Ahram Online reporter saw protesters on both sides carrying firearms.
Tags:Islamic Savagery
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