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Thursday, March 28, 2013
Every action is permitted - kidnapping, torture, rape (used as a weapon of coercion), murder, the sale of human flesh on the organ market - in order to achieve the objectives of jihad: the imposition of Sharia, a world war for the unity of Islam, the conquest and forced conversion of "infidels", the elimination of the culture and of the political, economic and military system of the Western civilization, and - in the foreground, as a symbolic event - the destruction of the State of Israel.
Kidney? Lung? |
The rockets that are hitting Israel repeatedly, and the Kalashnikovs in possession of Hamas militants are bought with profits from the slave and human organs trade. Iran has a role in directing this complex strategy of terror and horror that is based on the martyrdom of refugees, not only by providing a continual supply of weapons, but because of its economic, political and military power that constantly feeds into the international jihad.
Human trafficking in the Sinai: to fight it we need to know it
Milan, February 21, 2013. Human trafficking in the Sinai. After years of hard work fighting this brutal phenomenon (which causes the deaths of hundreds of young sub-Saharan Africans and which takes place, year after year, among the general indifference of the world), EveryOne Group is once again appealing to the United Nations, the civilized world and the governments of the countries involved, to seriously tackle this form of organized crime.
Combating this plague, that has now infested many African nations - with the complicity of politics, public security, armed forces, the judiciary, health and religious authorities - will take something more powerful than normal police forces. The trafficking of human beings and slaves, in fact, is organized like the Italian 'Ndrangheta: it controls institutions, associations, companies, hotels, and large properties. It has special contacts with banks and financial institutions, customs, money transfer agencies, and clinics. After EveryOne Group reported in the media the connivance between the Eritrean and Sudanese armed forces and traffickers, the institutions have considered the problem from this new point of view, and the media has published interesting articles that describe the criminal trafficking in Africa. For example, it has shed light on the role of the security services and the kidnapping of Eritrean refugees to extort ransom money.
In the article we find the same names that EveryOne Group reported in an interview with the Vatican Radio, and in the reports it sent to international institutions. But this is not enough. Some Eritrean jihadist groups too, including many members of the local Rashaida tribe, who have taken up the most extreme jihadist ideologies, are working full-time for this fundamentalist multinational crime ring, by facilitating the escape of refugees from Eritrea, and providing the traffickers with a workforce. Those groups are not attacking the dictator Afewerki for his crimes against humanity, but for his non-aggression towards Israel.
See: http://www.visiteritrea.org/blog/?p=2004)
The philosophy of this branch of traffickers is the same as that of the criminals in Sudan and the Sinai: "Every action is permitted - kidnapping, torture, rape (used as a weapon of coercion), murder, the sale of human flesh on the organ market - in order to achieve the objectives of jihad: the imposition of Sharia, a world war for the unity of Islam, the conquest and forced conversion of "infidels", the elimination of the culture and of the political, economic and military system of the Western civilization, and - in the foreground, as a symbolic event - the destruction of the State of Israel. In Sudan, the organization trafficking in human beings and organs is a primary component of jihad, and even there the Rashaida jihadists are “doing the dirty work". After international actions reduced the spontaneous flow of refugees to the Sinai, they are now abducting people in refugee camps, primarily from Shagerab, which hosts over 30,000 desperate people, most of them very young. Kidnapping with demands for ransom has also taken place in Egypt and Libya. Every refugee kidnapped by the traffickers means roughly 20,000 dollars for armed fundamentalism. The turnover of trafficking is around $ 35 million per year. The Sudanese President, Omer Hassan al-Bashir, has acknowledged the role of the Rashaida tribe in the slave and organs trade, but says he is unable to counteract this crime or even prevent arms depots being set up in Sudan.
Last year, Israel bombed one of these deposits while the Mossad is constantly on the lookout for others. EveryOne Group has been reporting this close cooperation between Hamas (which is part of the Muslim Brotherhood) and jihadist traffickers for years, and has provided ample evidence.
See for example:
Some of the major traffickers, including Abu Ahmed and Abu Khaled, have declared in interviews reported in the media, to be part of Hamas. In Sudan, through this massive fundraising activity focused on the abduction and sale of human beings, they are preparing the future stages of the war against the "infidels," Western culture and the State of Israel. This is after the nation has experienced a terrible racial genocide.
Even in Egypt, the jihadist Rashaida control, along with other jihadist Bedouin groups (again linked to Hamas), organized crime, supplying this arsenal of terrorism. The rockets that are hitting Israel repeatedly, and the Kalashnikovs in possession of Hamas militants are bought with profits from the slave and human organs trade, as EveryOne Group has previously shown. As you can imagine, Iran has a role in directing this complex strategy of terror and horror that is based on the martyrdom of refugees, not only by providing a continual supply of weapons, but because of its economic, political and military power that constantly feeds into the international jihad.
Tags:Islam Evil,Islamic Claptrap; Dhimmitude; Taqiyya; Tabarruj etc,Islamic Justice: Sharia,Islamic Savagery,War; Terrorism; Brutality; Violence; Bloodshed; Savagery
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