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Friday, March 22, 2013
Americans behind 9/11; Hitler greater than Roosevelt - the PA’s welcome to Obama
Two days before US President Barack Obama's visit to Israel and the PA, the official PA daily chose to print anti-American hate speech along with pro-Hitler comments in an op-ed:
The op-ed further implies that Hitler was greater than both Churchill and Roosevelt, who were "alcoholics":
Palestinian Media Watch has documented anti-US messages promoted by the PA.
PMW has also documented the PA's praise for the September 11 terror attacks.
The following is a longer excerpt from the op-ed printed in the official PA daily:
Op-ed by Hassan Ouda Abu Zaher:
"'History is a great lie written by the victors' - said Napoleon Bonaparte, the source of dubious historical writing and father of Freemasonry in France. If so, is the history planted in us through TV and the standard educational curriculum indeed true? The source of this history is the West - the victor ever since the fall of Andalusia (Muslim Spain)! ...Our history is replete with lies, from lies about the corrupt [Caliph] Harun Al-Rashid, which ignore the sources indicating that he dedicated one year to pilgrimage [to Mecca] and one year to Jihad (i.e., he was a good Muslim), to the lie about Al-Qaeda and the Sept. 11 events, which asserted that Muslim terrorists committed it, and that it was not an internal American action by the Freemasons, which was mentioned in the Illuminati game cards ten years before it took place, and in over 15 Zionist and Freemason Hollywood-produced films in the 1990s. The method of repeating [the lies] over and over has authenticated false facts. Had Hitler won, Nazism would be an honor that people would be competing to belong to, and not a disgrace punishable by law. Churchill and Roosevelt were alcoholics, and in their youth were questioned more than once about brawls they started in bars, while Hitler hated alcohol and was not addicted to it. He used to go to sleep early and wake up early, and was very organized. These facts have been turned upside down as well, and Satan has been dressed with angels' wings..."
The damnable, devilish and beastly cluster. Islamists and Nazis from the cesspits of humanity.
PA's welcome to Obama: Americans behind 9/11 attacks and Hitler was greater than Roosevelt
Official PA daily: History is written by the victors, therefore "Muslim terrorists" are falsely blamed for 9/11 and Nazism is prosecuted instead of honored. "Had Hitler won, Nazism would be an honor"
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
"Our history is replete with lies... [including] the lie about Al-Qaeda and the September 11 events, which asserted that Muslim terrorists committed it, and that it was not an internal American action by the Freemasons."
The op-ed further implies that Hitler was greater than both Churchill and Roosevelt, who were "alcoholics":
"Churchill and Roosevelt were alcoholics, and in their youth were questioned more than once about brawls they started in bars, while Hitler hated alcohol and was not addicted to it. He used to go to sleep early and wake up early, and was very organized. These facts have been turned upside down as well, and Satan has been dressed with angels' wings."
The PA daily op-ed further asserts that negative attitudes toward Nazism are not objective but the result of the West's victory:
"Had Hitler won, Nazism would be an honor that people would be competing to belong to, and not a disgrace punishable by law."
Palestinian Media Watch has documented anti-US messages promoted by the PA.
PMW has also documented the PA's praise for the September 11 terror attacks.
The following is a longer excerpt from the op-ed printed in the official PA daily:
Op-ed by Hassan Ouda Abu Zaher:
"'History is a great lie written by the victors' - said Napoleon Bonaparte, the source of dubious historical writing and father of Freemasonry in France. If so, is the history planted in us through TV and the standard educational curriculum indeed true? The source of this history is the West - the victor ever since the fall of Andalusia (Muslim Spain)! ...Our history is replete with lies, from lies about the corrupt [Caliph] Harun Al-Rashid, which ignore the sources indicating that he dedicated one year to pilgrimage [to Mecca] and one year to Jihad (i.e., he was a good Muslim), to the lie about Al-Qaeda and the Sept. 11 events, which asserted that Muslim terrorists committed it, and that it was not an internal American action by the Freemasons, which was mentioned in the Illuminati game cards ten years before it took place, and in over 15 Zionist and Freemason Hollywood-produced films in the 1990s. The method of repeating [the lies] over and over has authenticated false facts. Had Hitler won, Nazism would be an honor that people would be competing to belong to, and not a disgrace punishable by law. Churchill and Roosevelt were alcoholics, and in their youth were questioned more than once about brawls they started in bars, while Hitler hated alcohol and was not addicted to it. He used to go to sleep early and wake up early, and was very organized. These facts have been turned upside down as well, and Satan has been dressed with angels' wings..."
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