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Thursday, March 14, 2013
Reports: Iran mulls suing Hollywood over 'Argo'
Argo Get Fucked!
Iran complains about "violation of international cultural norms." Officials have accused "Argo" of depicting Iranians as "too violent." Too violent? Ya gotta be kidding? I thought Argo pussyfooted around the psycopathic lunatics I have come to know and hate.I loved the movie. My "international cultural norms" were not violated. Anyway what the hell would the Iranians know about "cultural norms" when stoning, beheading and gross human rights violations are authorised by Iranian mad mullahs every day. You can have those "norms" Inshallah!
"Awarding an anti-Iran movie is a propaganda attack against our nation and entire humanity."
Not really propaganda buddy. It just very accurately portrays you lot as a bumbling clusterfuck of maniacal fools.
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran is planning to sue Hollywood over the Oscar-winning "Argo" because of the movie's allegedly "unrealistic portrayal" of the country, Iranian media reported Tuesday.
Several news outlets, including the pro-reform Shargh daily, said French lawyer Isabelle Coutant-Peyre is in Iran for talks with officials over how and where to file the lawsuit. She is also the lawyer for notorious Venezuelan-born terrorist Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, known as Carlos the Jackal.
After its Oscar win in February, Iranian officials dismissed "Argo" as pro-CIA, anti-Iran propaganda.
Though the movie isn't showing in any Iranian theaters, many Iranians have seen it on bootleg DVDs and it set off a spirited debate that exposed a generational divide. Iranians who took part in the 1979 Islamic Revolution picked apart the portrayals of Tehran at the time but those too young to recall the events were eager for a different view on what had happened.
The decision on the lawsuit came after a group of Iranian cultural officials and movie critics screened the film in a closed audience in a Tehran theater late Monday.
The gathering, titled "The Hoax of Hollywood," discussed various legal aspects of filing a lawsuit, media reports said, without providing details. It remains unclear what specific charges Iran could raise and what court Tehran could turn to if the action goes ahead.
Tags:Islam can be fun,Islam Evil,Islam Misunderstood,Islamic Paranoia,Islamic Savagery,Islamophobia,Jewish Issues; Anti-Semitism; Jew- Hatred
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