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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Dinner lady sacked for serving Muslim children with non- lethal non-halal meat at multi-faith school

  • Parents forced headmaster to apologise for 'insulting' their faith
  • Birmingham school has both Muslim students and those of other faiths
  • All 1,400 students at Moseley School are served Halal meat only

A dinner lady has been sacked for accidentally serving non-lethal non-halal meat to Muslim students at a multi-faith school. The incident outraged parents at the 'halal-only' Moseley School in Birmingham, and they have forced the headmaster to apologise for 'insulting' their faith. The member of staff has been dismissed after the 'unintentional error' on December 12 last year recently came to light.

Why do we tolerate this intolerance? Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Tolerance of intolerance is cowardice.

Islamic parents are demanding others be held accountable for not enforcing sharia and they can’t stop whining ...

  • It is an insult to our faith. [What isn't?]
  • The school have failed the children. [Take responsibility for your own diet.]
  • How did this meal get into the school system to be fed to the children? [The Jews did it]
  • Its just shocking that dietary requirements haven’t been met. [Shocking is the murder of innocent bystanders, this is merely a hiccup.]
  • It could not just be the error or one lady, there must be people at the top responsible too who also need to be sacked. [Yea! We told you... it's the Jews.]
  • It is a disgrace that this could be allowed to happen and we demand more action is take. [Nope!]

And then the useful idiots chirp in...
Sheila Walker, head of Direct Services, said: This was found to be due to an error and was unintentional, nevertheless, we have failed to ensure the integrity of Halal only food at Moseley School. A Birmingham City Council spokesperson added: We of course apologise for any concerns this has caused.

Sharia is not a part of western culture. It never will be. Yet Islam demands that all other cultures kowtow to theirs. Politicians misplaced their testes a decade ago and sold out their own western culture for el cheapo votes and thus encouraged these outrageous demands to be made with a straight face.

The school board 
capitulated and served Halal to a high-risk group of Islamophylactics because they wouldn't bring their own lunch to school. Someone made a mistake... an inadvertent error. Not as bad an error as blowing up a train or a bus, but an error nevertheless; for which they grovelingly apologised.

This innocent mistake has lost that person her job. But her unnecessary sacrifice wasn’t enough for these frothing Islamists. They crave an authentic Islamic stoning of the entire hierarchy of officials because of an imagined cosmological conspiracy against their meat. I told you, the Zionists are to blame

The solution to this intractable problem is simple. Get Halal off the menu. Pandering to these Islamists only makes the slippery slope of submission all the more painful, God forbid, the Jewish community will want Kosher meals served in schools. How would Jew-hating Islam reconcile that "accommodationism" with Islam.

Islamophylaxis in the wild


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