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Sunday, June 30, 2013
What is the matter with you that you are divided about the Hypocrites? Allah has cast them back (causing their disbelief). Would you guide those whom Allah has thrown out of the Way? For those whom Allah has thrown aside and led astray, never shall they find the Way.
Koran: 4:88
xena Koran: 4:88
The Russian and Chinese embrace of indicted traitor Edward Snowden is just the latest demonstration of the contempt in which the US is held by an ever increasing number of adversarial states around the world.
AFTER THE September 11 attacks, the US pledged to wage a war of ideas in the Muslim world. And in Obama's foreign policy, we have such a war of ideas.
The only problem is that all of his ideas are wrong.
The only problem is that all of his ideas are wrong.
Excellent piece. What the hell happened to Obama?
jpost — Caroline Glick
Iran has also gotten a piece of the action.
As part of the regime's bread and circuses approach to its subjects, supreme dictator Ali Khamenei had pretend reformer Hassan Rohani win the presidential election in a landslide two weeks ago. Rohani has a long record of advancing Iran's nuclear program, both as a national security chief and as a senior nuclear negotiator. He also has a record of deep involvement in acts of mass terror, including the 1994 bombing of the AMIA Jewish center in Buenos Aires that killed 85 people and wounded hundreds.
Yet rather than distance itself from Rohani the phony, the Obama administration has celebrated Iranian democracy and embraced him as a reformer. Obama's spokesmen say they look forward to renewing nuclear talks with Rohani, and so made clear - yet again - that the US has no intention of preventing Iran from becoming a nuclear power.
As part of the regime's bread and circuses approach to its subjects, supreme dictator Ali Khamenei had pretend reformer Hassan Rohani win the presidential election in a landslide two weeks ago. Rohani has a long record of advancing Iran's nuclear program, both as a national security chief and as a senior nuclear negotiator. He also has a record of deep involvement in acts of mass terror, including the 1994 bombing of the AMIA Jewish center in Buenos Aires that killed 85 people and wounded hundreds.
Yet rather than distance itself from Rohani the phony, the Obama administration has celebrated Iranian democracy and embraced him as a reformer. Obama's spokesmen say they look forward to renewing nuclear talks with Rohani, and so made clear - yet again - that the US has no intention of preventing Iran from becoming a nuclear power.
Allah and His Messenger dissolve obligations.
Koran: 9:3
xena Koran: 9:3
Most Egyptians have today come to the realization that the Muslim Brotherhood's hijacking of their country's pro-democracy revolution two years ago was not a good thing.
Next Sunday, June 30th, they might just set things straight when the burgeoning "Tamarud" (Rebels) presents its 15 million-strong petition demanding the resignation of President Mohammed Morsi.
June 30 is the one year anniversary of Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood's rise to power, and the Tamarud have said enough is enough. In fact, the 15 million signatures collected by the group outstrips the 13 million votes Morsi received in the last election, and even then he had to resort to fraud, according to Ramelah.
"There is a sense that something very significant is about to happen with both fear and hope intermingled," said Dr. Ashraf Ramelah, director of Voice of the Copts, an organization that seeks to highlight the plight of Egyptian Christians.
israeltoday — Ryan Jones
Allah's Apostle said, 'I have been made victorious with terror.'
Bukhari: V4B52N220
xena Bukhari: V4B52N220
Jonathan Matusitz says it as it is... educate yourself.
Allah's Apostle said on the day of the conquest of Mecca, 'There is no migration now, only Jihad, holy battle. And when you are called for Jihad, you should come out at once.'
Bukhari: V4B53N412
xena Bukhari: V4B53N412
President Morsi’s attempts to push through a Sharia constitution go against Egyptian cultural tradition and spark an even worse uprising as people don’t want religion to be dictated, political analyst and author William Engdahl told RT.
RT: Despite Morsi having strong support in the country, why is there so much anger at him and the Muslim Brotherhood at present?
William Engdahl: I think a number of issues. Number one – is trying to ram a Sharia constitution down the throats of the Egyptian people. That goes against Egyptian cultural tradition – 80-90 per cent of the population are Sunni Muslims – but it is a tradition of tolerance for other religion groups, Coptic and other Islamic groups. The other thing is the economy. Morsi has done nothing to improve the economy. In fact the economy has generated youth unemployment to bulge to an explosive level. That I think is a lot to do with the tinderbox that you see in the streets right now. But the other thing is that the military hasn’t yet weighed in as to whether they are going to continue to back Morsi as they have done under enormous Washington pressure – they are dependent on Washington for military aid and have been for decades. But the interesting new factor is that the Tamarod campaign – the reorganized opposition group that led the protest a year ago in Tahrir Square and elsewhere – they have claimed to have gathered a 15 million-strong petition asking for Morsi to step down. I think this is a make or break situation. The Obama administration continues to back the Muslim Brotherhood, which is a very unfortunate thing, but that’s a part of a larger geopolitical agenda that Washington and the State Department have built up over the past years.
William Engdahl: I think a number of issues. Number one – is trying to ram a Sharia constitution down the throats of the Egyptian people. That goes against Egyptian cultural tradition – 80-90 per cent of the population are Sunni Muslims – but it is a tradition of tolerance for other religion groups, Coptic and other Islamic groups. The other thing is the economy. Morsi has done nothing to improve the economy. In fact the economy has generated youth unemployment to bulge to an explosive level. That I think is a lot to do with the tinderbox that you see in the streets right now. But the other thing is that the military hasn’t yet weighed in as to whether they are going to continue to back Morsi as they have done under enormous Washington pressure – they are dependent on Washington for military aid and have been for decades. But the interesting new factor is that the Tamarod campaign – the reorganized opposition group that led the protest a year ago in Tahrir Square and elsewhere – they have claimed to have gathered a 15 million-strong petition asking for Morsi to step down. I think this is a make or break situation. The Obama administration continues to back the Muslim Brotherhood, which is a very unfortunate thing, but that’s a part of a larger geopolitical agenda that Washington and the State Department have built up over the past years.
Saturday, June 29, 2013
They shall have a bed on the floor of Hell and coverings of fire; this is how We reward them.
Koran: 7:41
x@checkthepulse.com Koran: 7:41
Whenever there is a public disagreement, it's always good to observe which side is calling for open discussion, and which side is trying to shut it down. This is a good initial indicator of where the evidence lies.
... too late. Great Britain That moderate Muslim country, the deceased Great Britain has now completely capitulated to Islam. Inshala!
Allah will say: This is the day on which the Muslims will profit from Islam...
Koran: 5:119
x@checkthepulse.com Koran: 5:119
“Geert Wilders' Freedom Party asks Dutch government to stand for freedom of speech, protest UK ban of Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer„
Geert Wilders' Freedom Party has issued this statement in our defense: "PVV: Engeland behaagt weer eens de islam door critici de mond te snoeren" (thanks to Pamela Geller). Here is my cleaned-up version of the Google Translate version of the statement. Corrections gratefully received.
"It seems that the British government has a short memory," says PVV MP Raymond de Roon, "forgetting that Geert Wilders made an English court drop that entry ban a few months later." De Roon asked the Foreign Minister to stand for the human right of free speech and to protest to the British government about this entry ban.
They can have no Faith, until they make you (Muhammad) judge in all disputes, and find in their souls no resistance against Your decisions, accepting them with complete submission.
Koran: 4:65
x@checkthepulse.com Koran: 4:65
Through the operations conducted by the jihadists, Islamists as well as Assad’s regime, the conflict in Syria has increasingly taken sectarian elements; people – particularly minorities – are being slaughtered based solely on their religion.
Recently, the Obama administration – after the Syrian conflict entered its third year and long after critical world powers have taken decisive action – has decided to make a policy decision to arm the Syrian rebels.
Although liberals argue that the U.S. will send arms to the “good” rebels, it is nearly impossible to distinguish the “good” rebels from the barbaric ones anymore. It is unrealistic to insure that arms and weapons will fall into the hand of the peaceful revolutionaries; in fact, they are more likely to fall into the hands of the same Islamist and Al-Qaeda-affiliated groups who are slaughtering, beheading, and mass-executing people and pushing for a Sharia-law based Islamist state.
In that situation the Believers were sorely tried and shaken as by a tremendous shaking. And behold! The Hypocrites and those in whose hearts is a disease said: 'Allah and His Messenger promised us nothing but delusion; they have promised only to deceive us.
Koran: 33:11
x@checkthepulse.com Koran: 33:11
“...Anjem Choudary, philosophical mentor of the Woolwich head hackers anda man who calls for the murder of the Prime Minister, is so “conducive to the public good” that British taxpayers subsidize him generously and provide a half-million-dollar home for him to live on.„
Please. Freedom of speech... is that so much to ask for?
nationalreviewThe Brilliant Mark Steyn
Three snapshots of western liberty:
1) A few weeks ago, I wrote about a Canadian police department’s diversity enforcer attempt to shut down a Pamela Geller speech by getting her bounced from a Toronto synagogue. In Britain, the shut-up-he-explained crowd cut to the chase: They went to the (supposedly Conservative) Home Secretary, the ghastly Theresa May, and got Miss Geller and Robert Spencer banned from the entire country on the grounds that their presence in the United Kingdom would not be “conducive to the public good“.
1) A few weeks ago, I wrote about a Canadian police department’s diversity enforcer attempt to shut down a Pamela Geller speech by getting her bounced from a Toronto synagogue. In Britain, the shut-up-he-explained crowd cut to the chase: They went to the (supposedly Conservative) Home Secretary, the ghastly Theresa May, and got Miss Geller and Robert Spencer banned from the entire country on the grounds that their presence in the United Kingdom would not be “conducive to the public good“.
The only believers are those who feel fear and terror when Allah is mentioned.
Koran: 8:2
Koran: 8:2
Feel the love...
Delta Airlines' motto 'You'll love the way we fly'... unless you are Jews or Bible carrying Catholics or anyone with an Israeli entry stamp in his/her passport.
Delta, a major world class carrier, has partnered with Saudi Arabia Airlines and as a result must adhere to the bigoted and biased prejudices of a backward nation that still does not permit women to drive a car.
A spokesman for Delta says that the airline does not discriminate but must adhere to the requirements of the nations into which they are flying.
According to its agreement with Saudi Airlines, Delta will have to ask passengers on the way to Riyadh if they are carrying any non-Muslim religious articles.
Bombs and hatchets are hand luggage friendly according to Delta's 'Slaughter of Infidels' policy.
But all Jooz are strictly verboten, even those smuggling bombs or pork crackling.
Bombs and hatchets are hand luggage friendly according to Delta's 'Slaughter of Infidels' policy.
But all Jooz are strictly verboten, even those smuggling bombs or pork crackling.
Saudi Arabia, a land controlled by the Saud family and its scores of princes and small-minded bureaucrats, is at war with anything non-Muslim.
A Catholic, or anyone for that matter, entering the kingdom carrying any holy book but the Koran, is subject to arrest. The non-Muslim bible will be confiscated and destroyed. This is from the people who have issued death warrants for other small-minded people who burned Korans.
According to its agreement with Saudi Airlines, Delta will have to ask passengers on the way to Riyadh if they are carrying any non-Muslim religious articles. If they are, the items will be confiscated and presumably destroyed.
A Catholic, or anyone for that matter, entering the kingdom carrying any holy book but the Koran, is subject to arrest. The non-Muslim bible will be confiscated and destroyed. This is from the people who have issued death warrants for other small-minded people who burned Korans.
According to its agreement with Saudi Airlines, Delta will have to ask passengers on the way to Riyadh if they are carrying any non-Muslim religious articles. If they are, the items will be confiscated and presumably destroyed.
The Prophet said, 'Nobody who dies and finds Paradise would wish to come back to this life even if he were given the whole world and whatever is in it, except the martyr who, on seeing the superiority of martyrdom, would like to come back to get killed again in Allah's Cause.'
Bukhari: V4B52N53
x@checkthepulse.com Bukhari: V4B52N53
A 30-count indictment was entered against Dzokhar Tsarnaev. Charges against him, including the use of weapons of mass destruction, carry the death penalty. Blood-scrawled confessions were found in the boat in which he hid.
Digging only a tad deeper we’ll find that Islam inspired them all.
The charges against Tsarnaev include 17 different counts that carry the possibility of the death penalty, including the use of a weapon of mass destruction, and other counts for which life imprisonment are potential sentences.
Stop killing our innocent people and we will stop.
jewishpress — Lori Lowenthal Marcus
The older Tsarnaev brother, Tamerlan, died as the two attempted to escape in the early morning hours of April 19.
They ask you about the benefits of capturing the spoils of war. Tell them: 'The benefits belong to Allah and to His Messenger.'
Koran: 8:1
x@checkthepulse.com Koran: 8:1
Why is Islam part of the syllabus in our primary and secondary school curriculum?
Why is Islam getting preferential treatment that no other religion gets?
And why are we promoting a cruel culture which has nothing but contempt for our culture and democracy?
Why is Islam getting preferential treatment that no other religion gets?
And why are we promoting a cruel culture which has nothing but contempt for our culture and democracy?
Is anyone else asking these questions in those other moderate Islamic countries like the United Kingdom or Sweden?
Friday, June 28, 2013
Allah and His Messenger dissolve obligations.
Koran: 9:3
Koran: 9:3
Mypeace organisation launches TV commercial to improve image of Islam in Australia
This is so clever! We have all be caught with our pants down again. Citizens will believe that Mohammed is benign and Islam is a religion of peace. We truly deserve to be screwed because we are wilfully stupid.
MUSLIM activists will launch the first TV commercial in Australia about the Prophet Mohammed in a bid to improve the religion's battered image.
The Islamic community has raised a war chest of "tens of thousands" of dollars to fund a series of 30-second commercials, due to air on the main television networks from July 9.
They are the brainchild of the Mypeace organisation, based at Bankstown, which is attempting to build bridges between the Muslim community and other Australians.
The prime-time ads, set to appear on Channels 7, 9, and 10, and SBS over several months, feature major figures of history including Mahatma Gandhi and George Bernard Shaw extolling the virtues of the Prophet Mohammed.
Mypeace founder Diaa Mohamed yesterday said negotiations with the TV networks were being finalised for the commercials to run in breakfast, afternoon and evening timeslots.
"This is a response to misinformation - not many (Australians) are aware of who the Prophet is and why we regard him so highly and so emotionally," Mr Mohamed said.
They are the brainchild of the Mypeace organisation, based at Bankstown, which is attempting to build bridges between the Muslim community and other Australians.
The prime-time ads, set to appear on Channels 7, 9, and 10, and SBS over several months, feature major figures of history including Mahatma Gandhi and George Bernard Shaw extolling the virtues of the Prophet Mohammed.
Mypeace founder Diaa Mohamed yesterday said negotiations with the TV networks were being finalised for the commercials to run in breakfast, afternoon and evening timeslots.
"This is a response to misinformation - not many (Australians) are aware of who the Prophet is and why we regard him so highly and so emotionally," Mr Mohamed said.
No calamity occurs, no affliction comes, except by the decision and preordainment of Allah.
Koran: 64:11
Koran: 64:11
MORE than 100 extremists capable of violent radicalism are entrenched in western Sydney, a Muslim cleric claimed last night.
A western Sydney imam has revealed his losing battle turning young Muslim extremists back from the brink of terrorism.
Exposing the scale of the problem, moderate imam Afroz Ali said he was losing the battle to turn 120 extremists at this Lakemba-based organisation back from the brink.
What we have found is, of the 240 people, 120, exactly half of them, are people who have changed their thinking, their mindset. That is something that I don't necessarily share too widely in public, but I am happy to share it here.
"We have had a program for the last seven years now in which we have had 240 people who were considered to be moving in a direction which may have led them to violent radicalisation - to terrorism," Imam Afroz told the national forum.
He said, Fight them so that there is no more rebellion, and religion, all of it, is for Allah only. Allah must have no rivals.
Ishaq: 324
Ishaq: 324
Mogadishu — Al-Shabaab in recent weeks has kidnapped hundreds of children from the militant-controlled town of El Bur in Galgadud, residents say, expressing fear that the al-Qaeda-affiliated group is forcibly recruiting them as child soldiers.
Since early May, more than 350 children under the age of 16 have been taken from Qur'an schools or while playing in the streets of El Bur and surrounding areas, said town elder Jama Hassan, 54.
"Countless children have been kidnapped since May and no one spoke against this heart-wrenching problem," she said, adding that if the recruitment is not stopped those same children will return as al-Shabaab fighters to destroy their own communities."
I was desperately worried and was looking for my son for two days, when I received a call from an al-Shabaab man who told me, 'Your son is well and he is working for Islam. Whatever knowledge you wanted for him, we will teach him, do not worry,'
"It is something that has terrified all of us," Hassan told Sabahi. "If al-Shabaab has become weak it should not use children who do not know how to use arms to shore up its strength."
Amid the wave of abductions, teachers and students have fled at least 18 Qur'an schools in the area due to al-Shabaab's reputation for recruiting children, Hassan said, calling on the federal government to intervene.
"The government is responsible for the public and has to come up with a plan to protect citizens who are suffering so they can have peace," he said.
Al-Shabaab is known for forcing children into its ranks of armed fighters. In January 2012, the Somali Transitional Federal Government and human rights groups reported that al-Shabaab was recruiting child soldiers systematically and by force.
"The government is responsible for the public and has to come up with a plan to protect citizens who are suffering so they can have peace," he said.
Al-Shabaab is known for forcing children into its ranks of armed fighters. In January 2012, the Somali Transitional Federal Government and human rights groups reported that al-Shabaab was recruiting child soldiers systematically and by force.
There are people who consider predestination untrue. Then they consider the Qur'an untrue.... People merely carry out what is a foregone conclusion, decided by predestination and written down by the Pen.
Tabari I:202
Tabari I:202
“In a striking blow against freedom, the British government has banned us from entering the country. Muhammad al-Arifi, who has advocated Jew-hatred, wife-beating, and jihad violence, entered the U.K. recently with no difficulty. In not allowing us into the country solely because of our true and accurate statements about Islam, the British government is behaving like a de facto Islamic state. The nation that gave the world the Magna Carta is dead. „
Imagine: The country of the Magna Carta Libertatum, or the Great Charter of the Liberties of England, would consider banning two human rights activists whose body of work is founded on the freedom of speech, freedom of conscience and individual rights. The Magna Carta led to the rule of constitutional law. It was the model for the legal structure of the American colonies.
This battle is not about me nor my colleagues, or any single person, for that matter. This is a battle for our very way of life, our freedom and the unalienable rights that we hold dear. This is who we are. By destroying the few who dare speak out, they achieve their totalitarian goals.
It's over,the British have capitulated. They fought and died for in World War II and decades later in Afghanistan and Iraq for their freedom. And they have now given it away. The British are on a jihad against freedom.
The US is right behind. Today the FBI has pulled a 'most wanted terrorist' ad because ...they're all Muslims, after some people complained that they stereotyped Muslims. Can you guess why?
The West has lost the plot and I may as well throw the towel in too.
The public has no idea how dire this situation is.
Saying 'I told you so' to my children and grandchildren will give me no pleasure, but I console myself with the notion that half the people are more stupid than the average stupid person. Yet despite that, I tried my best.
My family, friends, countrymen... didn't give a damn when I warned them.
I am pessimistic and I am right to be. This world, as we know it, is coming to an end... and faster than any of us thought possible. Within a generation most of the West will have capitulated to Islam and soon thereafter, Freedom as we know it, will be as relevant as the Dodo.
The public has no idea how dire this situation is.
Saying 'I told you so' to my children and grandchildren will give me no pleasure, but I console myself with the notion that half the people are more stupid than the average stupid person. Yet despite that, I tried my best.
My family, friends, countrymen... didn't give a damn when I warned them.
I am pessimistic and I am right to be. This world, as we know it, is coming to an end... and faster than any of us thought possible. Within a generation most of the West will have capitulated to Islam and soon thereafter, Freedom as we know it, will be as relevant as the Dodo.
Because there is an unspoken adherence to the Shariah descending over the West. As I noted in my Monday column, Robert Spencer and I are scheduled to join other members of the President’s Council of the international human rights coalition Stop Islamization of Nations (SION) – the English Defence League leaders Tommy Robinson and Kevin Carroll and Stop Islamisation of Europe (SIOE) leader Anders Gravers – on June 29 for a Memorial for Lee Rigby in Woolwich. Rigby was the British soldier who was beheaded by Islamic jihadists in Woolwich on May 22.
When the Prophet married Aisha she very young and not yet ready for consummation.
Tabari IX:128
Tabari IX:128
National Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children released shocking statistics that showed 1,700 victims in the past two years.
The ritual does not involve any anesthetic, which makes it further worse as victim has to suffer unbearable pain. Victims are generally in the age group of four to 10 yrs, but some are babies.
Nothing to say here except.... the purveyor of the greatest anti-women and anti-child hate ideology ever conceived was a 7th century murderous killer, misogynist and pedophile who claimed he could channel messages from God.
It has been revealed 640 females have been treated at a Birmingham hospital for genital mutilation. Heartlands Hospital, in Bordesley Green, is a specialist centre in the UK and treats victims of cruel ritual.
National Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children released shocking statistics that showed 1,700 victims in the past two years. Out of those, 40% were from the West Midlands area.
The charity has launched a helpline in a bid to prevent children from undergoing the oppressive genital mutilation. Female genital mutilation is usually practiced by the African, Asian and Middle Eastern communities in the UK.
The charity has launched a helpline in a bid to prevent children from undergoing the oppressive genital mutilation. Female genital mutilation is usually practiced by the African, Asian and Middle Eastern communities in the UK.
The man who does not do his own thinking is a slave, and is a traitor to himself and to his fellow-men.
Robert Ingersoll
Robert Ingersoll
“It is now official. Yesterday the UK government and the Home Office officially took one giant step closer to dhimmitude and shamed the UK’s glorious democratic tradition „
Rabbi Shalom Lewis, in his excellent Rosh Hashanna sermon in 2010, voiced what must be the feelings and reactions of many in the UK about this government’s wilful ignorance and dereliction of duty in the face of the threat from Islam:
“.. Let me mince no words in saying that from Fort Hood to Bali, from Times Square to London, from Madrid to Mumbai, from 9/11 to Gaza, the murderers, the barbarians are radical Islamists.
To camouflage their identity is sedition. To excuse their deeds is contemptible. To mask their intentions is unconscionable. ….
” Everything we are. Everything we believe. Everything we treasure is at risk.
The threat is so unbelievably clear and the enemy so unbelievably ruthless how anyone in their right mind doesn’t get it is baffling. Let’s try an analogy. If someone contracted a life-threatening infection and we not only scolded them for using antibiotics but insisted that the bacteria had a right to infect their body and that perhaps, if we gave the invading infection an arm and a few toes, the bacteria would be satisfied and stop spreading.
Anyone buy that medical advice? Well, folks, that’s our approach to the radical Islamist bacteria. It is amoral, has no conscience and will spread unless it is eradicated. – There is no negotiating. Appeasement is death. “
To camouflage their identity is sedition. To excuse their deeds is contemptible. To mask their intentions is unconscionable. ….
” Everything we are. Everything we believe. Everything we treasure is at risk.
The threat is so unbelievably clear and the enemy so unbelievably ruthless how anyone in their right mind doesn’t get it is baffling. Let’s try an analogy. If someone contracted a life-threatening infection and we not only scolded them for using antibiotics but insisted that the bacteria had a right to infect their body and that perhaps, if we gave the invading infection an arm and a few toes, the bacteria would be satisfied and stop spreading.
Anyone buy that medical advice? Well, folks, that’s our approach to the radical Islamist bacteria. It is amoral, has no conscience and will spread unless it is eradicated. – There is no negotiating. Appeasement is death. “
“Appeasement is death” and it seems that the animal who butchered Drummer Rigby was almost right when he said that the UK government cannot protect its people. Worse, given the decision to ban Spencer and Geller, it seems not to want to do so.
faithfreedom — Babs barron
Thursday, June 27, 2013
In Nature there are neither rewards nor punishments – there are consequences.
Robert Ingersoll
Robert Ingersoll
Value your freedom...? Sign the Petition.
Twitter is blowing up (no pun intended) and freedom lovers started this petition. Sign it.USA TODAY - 5 hours ago
Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, co-founders of Stop Islamization of America, were planning to appear at a march by the far-right English Defence League in Woolwich, the site in southeast London of the hacking death of a British solider in May. On their ...
Killing disbelievers is a small matter to us.
Tabari IX:69
Tabari IX:69
The extreme right-wing group English Defence League (EDL) has invited two fascists to speak in Woolwich this weekend – at the site of the brutal murder of Drummer Lee Rigby.
Here are some words and phrases used by the ignorant Manchester Gazette Chief editor, to describe Spencer and Geller, both of whom KNOW just about everything there is to know about the evil of Islam...
fascists, notorious condemned hate preachers, propagate hatred, these people are martyrs, extraordinary situation, sprout hatred, jeopardise liberty, long track record of preaching hate, denying Bosnian genocide, believing Obama is a Muslim, children murdered by Anders Breivik not innocent, stir up hatred, incite violence,
This editor and his ilk will go down in history as gutless cowards who capitulated to Islam and handed our country over to the Muslims on a platter. None of these dhimmis KNOW anything about the evil in the Koran and the vile hatred preached by Muslims every day of their lives.
An evil manipulative psychopath named Muhammad lived 1,400 years ago. That madman incited these ignorant and backward Muslims into a perpetual war and conquest against all those who are not Muslims. In other words, he wasn't prepared to keep his evil empire confined only to those subscribing to his death cult, he elected to spread his toxic ideas to everyone. His ideological black plague infected the entire human race.
My letter to the person who claims to be the Manchester Gazette editor:
Mr Editor... firstly my sympathy for your self-inflicted brain injury and major brainfart. Being the Chief editor of this rag must be a pressure job.
You are a LIAR. Your entire editorial is riddled with exaggerated lies for the consumption of your Muslim cronies.
Sadly, you don't yet realise that your own children will curse you for your cowardice and for handing your culture and your country and their inheritance to the Islamists.
You and your suicidal lefty liberals capitulated to Islam a long time ago. You are your own citizens' worst enemy, fighting Islam's racial and cultural war against civilised humanity on behalf of your Muslim masters.
Islam is so far outside the realm of all human intellectual rationality and reason, so diabolically evil that no normal person can comprehend such a credo is even possible on this planet. But your mind is too fried to understand the immorality and irrationality of that dangerous ideology which will malevolently affect the lives of your children forever.
You are a LIAR. Your entire editorial is riddled with exaggerated lies for the consumption of your Muslim cronies.
Sadly, you don't yet realise that your own children will curse you for your cowardice and for handing your culture and your country and their inheritance to the Islamists.
You and your suicidal lefty liberals capitulated to Islam a long time ago. You are your own citizens' worst enemy, fighting Islam's racial and cultural war against civilised humanity on behalf of your Muslim masters.
Islam is so far outside the realm of all human intellectual rationality and reason, so diabolically evil that no normal person can comprehend such a credo is even possible on this planet. But your mind is too fried to understand the immorality and irrationality of that dangerous ideology which will malevolently affect the lives of your children forever.
Greater Manchester’s Police and Crime Commissioner Tony Lloyd is backing calls to deny two preachers of hate entry to the UK.
The extreme right-wing group English Defence League (EDL) has invited two fascists to speak in Woolwich this weekend – at the site of the brutal murder of Drummer Lee Rigby.
The extreme right-wing group English Defence League (EDL) has invited two fascists to speak in Woolwich this weekend – at the site of the brutal murder of Drummer Lee Rigby.
Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war.
Koran: 9:5
Koran: 9:5
The salafist man finds it unbelievable that there are people who do not believe the same way he does. He considers this difference as a personal attack. He is astonished that the whole world is not Muslim and he is going to correct [this mistake].
It is not going to stop, [instead] it keeps on reproducing itself in the cities of the Sahara, it becomes vocal and shouts, then kills, taking you by the throat; it destroys giant Buddhas and [people's] bodies and advances like a desert that dries out even the desert itself: salafism/Islamism/fundamentalism, the cancer on the face of the world and on the will to live.
The following op-ed was originally published in French in the Algerian newspaper Le Quotidien d'Oran. Translated by Anna Mahjar-Barducci
Unbelievable: at first, one might think that Islamism is an ideology, a policy or a line of thought. This is a simplistic point of view -- political orthodoxy, conventional wisdom and ideas. No, we must also see through the prism on biology: It is a disease, which intends to devour the world, it is not an issue of faith and belief.
It kills; we then arrest the killer, but we do not stop the disease. We kill the hostage taker, but not the malignant cell.
gatestoneinstitute — Kamel Daoud
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Kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God, history, and religion. This saves your honor. God is with you. Hajj Amin al Huss...
Allah said, 'It is My obligation to make Eve bleed once every month as she made this tree bleed. I must also make Eve stupid, although ...
The climate of Medina did not suit some people so the Prophet ordered them to drink camel urine as a medicine. Bukhari: V7B71N590 A...
acid victims' story: a widow, nine daughters and a village Nine daughters of a Muslim widow, all pursuing higher education or holding jo...
Do the bastards think that we are not their equal in fighting? We are men who think that there is no shame in killing. Ishaq:489 Ac...
I heard the Prophet say, 'Allah hates for you for asking too many questions.' Bukhari: V2B24N555 Here is a man who is justly conce...
Take the risk of thinking for yourself, much more happiness, truth, beauty, and wisdom will come to you that way. Christopher Hitchens ...
Lo this (Qur'an) is a conclusive Word; it is not a thing for amusement. It is no pleasantry. And it is no joke. Koran: 86:13 xena...
Allah made the Jews leave their homes by terrorizing them so that you killed some and made many captive. And He made you inherit their land...
Allah permits you to shut them in separate rooms and to beat them, but not severely. If they abstain, they have the right to food and clothi...
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