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Friday, May 31, 2013
The Prophet said, 'Whenever anyone makes water he should not hold his penis or clean his private parts with his right hand. While drinking, one should not breathe in the utensil.'

Bukhari: V1B4N156

According to Arabic squiggly media, during a recent conference in Egypt, Dr. Abdul Rahman al-Birr—the mufti of the Muslim Brotherhood—declared that...“Israel will soon be gone, for it is a foreign body in the region and [its] history, and that Jerusalem will be liberated, not at the hands of the previous Muhammads but the current one, President Muhammad Morsi."

According to reports, he also added that "the attempts of some to separate Egypt from Palestine will not succeed" and that "the mujahidin [jihadis] will remain in Palestine and in Egypt to liberate Jerusalem.
However, in a recent statement, al-Birr said he was taken out of context, that the "liberation" of Jerusalem at the hands of Morsi was not his prediction, but rather a tradition among the rabbis of Israel, who, according to the Brotherhood's mufti, knew that Israel's demise was inevitable, and that it would come not at the hands President Muhammad Anwar al-Sadat, nor Muhammad Hosni Mubarak, but the “third Muhammad”—the Muslim Brotherhood’s Muhammad.
Nice. Well these numbnuts should get together with Frankie the Pope who has just finished an exorcism on some Jinns and apparently the Wiggles are free next week and the gnome at the bottom of my garden is keen to participate in a spruikfest about... marijuana or virgins or anything...
Today's news made by « jihadwatch » 


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