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Saturday, May 25, 2013
Truly, if the Hypocrites stir up sedition, if the agitators in the City do not desist, We shall urge you to go against them and set you over them. Then they will not be able to stay as your neighbors for any length of time. They shall have a curse on them. Whenever they are found, they shall be seized and slain without mercy - a fierce slaughter - murdered, a horrible murdering.

Koran: 33:60


This is Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan's party - Obama's most trusted ally (Obama sought his advice in "how to raise his daughters").

And you thought the hundreds of thousands of Muslims violently protesting for the death penalty for bloggers in Bangladesh was confined to that country only. Wrong. It is Islamic law -- here, there and everywhere. As Prime Minister Erdogan, Obama's favorite foreign leader told him, there is no moderate Islam there is no extreme Islam, Islam is Islam.
HDN'My blood boils when spineless psychopaths pretending to be atheists swear at my religion. These people, who have been raped, should be annihilated,' Macit wrote in one tweet.

I SWEAR AT YOUR RELIGION and I AM AN ATHEIST and I don't give a shit what you think.

You should stop drinking the camel piss prescribed by your prophet and start drinking alcohol, it will clear your sinuses and you will start to realise that your religion is an immoral framework of depravity whereby murder, rape, stoning, burning alive, torture cannot possibly be the divine acts of any god, no matter how luscious you think she is. Look at this image and weep for your barbaric bronze-age evil religion.

All the mosques in the US, Europe and worldwide are teaching this crap to their children and that's why we have Muslims slicing heads of innocent people in the middle of the streets in London and thinking that is normal behaviour rather than the behaviour of brain-impaired inbreds.

In your warped Muslim mind, what we regard as evil, you regard as good, pious, divine and normal. And to “prove” that these things are holy, divine and pious acts, Islam promises the good, moral, normal, pious Muslim kafir-killers a Paradise filled with virgin sex-slaves.

By the way, do you not notice the irony of utilising western technology to dispense your stupidity to the world?
Today's news made by « atlasshrugs2000 » 

An official from the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) sparked controversy after he called for the “annihilation of atheists" on his Twitter account.

Mahmut Macit, a senior member of AKP’s Ankara provincial board and keen user of social media, flared up on May 21 about insults against believers via Twitter. “My blood boils when spineless psychopaths pretending to be atheists swear at my religion. These people, who have been raped, should be annihilated,” Macit wrote in one tweet. He also argued that “insulting Islam could not be considered freedom of expression.”

His remarks came as renowned Turkish-Armenian linguist and former columnist Sevan Nişanyan was condemned to 13 months in prison for alleged blasphemy in a blog comment.

They also added more fuel to Turkey’s culture wars, reignited by a bill currently debated in the Turkish Parliament that foresees new restrictions on the sale and consumption of alcohol.

While reactions from twitter users were pouring in, Macit retaliated by writing that those who criticized the AKP government were “either seen as nude or holding a bottle of an alcoholic drink in their bio picture.”

This is not the first time that members of the AKP have stirred debate with comments about atheists. AKP Zonguldak deputy Özcan Ulupınar had said last year that “no benefits could come to society from an atheist youth.”

Recently a Turkish sociologist had likened atheism with autism, saying that autistic children can't go to heaven as they were “atheists due to a lack of a section for faith in their brains.”


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