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Sunday, May 12, 2013
Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in
return) is the garden (of Paradise): they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain.

Koran 9:111

Comments about Islam spark Morocco firestorm

Assid should be sued for insulting the prophet and ridiculing Islam
Now what did he say to warrant a fatwa?

[Mohamed Saadouni] Sheikh Hassan Kettani issued a fatwa against Moroccan activist Ahmed Assid.Did he condemn the ABSOLUTE moral depravity and evil of Islam?  Did he admit that it's not nice to throw acid into the face of a woman dissolving her skin and flesh to the bone?  Did he concede that Islam is the greatest woman-hate ideology ever conceived?  Did he condemn burning Christians in their churches?   Did he excuse incitement to hate, violence, racism and intolerance of non-Muslims?  Did he condemn the hate speech and incitement to violence in the Koran?  Did he question the Koran for giving Christians and Jews, the choice to submit to the superiority of Islam and pay the Jizya tax or be attacked, mass murdered and enslaved (not to mention the Koran's incitement of hatred and violence against the polytheists (Hindus, Buddhists etc.)?  Did he agree that any book and religion that profess such horrible teachings deserves to be burned?  Did he go against the teachings of hate, racism, murder, war, terror, extermination, violence, torture, Jihad, Jew-Hared, slavery and sex slaves?

None of the above! Assid expressed his opinion that the current school curricula may help spread violence and hatred.

Wow. That is clearly a profundity for bronze-age Islam. That earth shattering observation compelled Sheikh Hassan Kettani, to accuse Assid of kufr. In describing him as a "criminal" and "enemy of God", Kettani issued a call for "silencing his voice".

These muhammanoids are maniacs with self-inflicted brain injuries. Let's wall them into their hell-holes so they devolve back to the swamps of the 7th Century from whence they came.
Today's news made by « magharebia » 

Moroccan activist Ahmed Assid has unleashed a torrent of criticism, including a takfir fatwa from a leading salafist preacher, for making controversial comments about Islam.

During a three-day seminar at the 10th national congress of the Moroccan Association of Human Rights (AMDH) in Rabat, which ended on April 21st, Assid suggested that religious school textbooks lured youths to violence.

To call [upon people] to follow Islam by the use of violence and constraint is an act of terrorism," he said.

Assid should be sued for insulting the prophet and ridiculing Islam, salafist preacher Sheikh Mohammed Fizazi said during a lecture at Ibn Tofail University in Kenitra.

Yet the strongest reaction came from Sheikh Hassan Kettani, who accused Assid of kufr. In describing him as a "criminal" and "enemy of God", Kettani issued a call for "silencing his voice".

In a statement posted on Facebook, Kettani said that Assid had "crossed all lines in provoking Moroccans in particular and the ummah of Islam in general by deliberately insulting and desecrating each and every one of their sanctities".
Assid suggested that religious school textbooks lured youths to violence
"In his impudence, he [Assid] went as far as to claim that the Quran contains no eloquence, ridiculing and underestimating the language of Quran," Kettani's statement went on.

Assid later defended his comments.

"The thing that attracts attention is the violent, uncivilised nature of this campaign that lacks the simplest values of dialogue and right to different opinions, and thus seeks to consolidate a culture that we don't need here in Morocco, that is the culture of confiscation, of trial, incitement and threats, et cetera," Assid told Magharebia.

"These are very negative matters that we as viable forces believing in democracy have to fight," he said. "There will always be differences, but we nevertheless must continue to engage in dialogue, debates and rapprochement,"

He said his words at the AMDH seminar were distorted and taken out of context.

"The words of anyone may not be construed so as to destroy him and incite others against him in such a serious manner," Assid said. " We have to refute arguments with arguments, which is the best option for the Moroccan experience."

Nevertheless, Abdelbari Zemzami, who heads Morocco's Research and Jurisprudence Studies Society, lambasted Assid for provoking Moroccans and Muslims the world over.

"No Muslim would accept what Assid said, and if his words weren't actually construed as he said them, let him come out and correct them and show us what exactly he wanted to say," Zemzami told Magharebia.

Meanwhile, the Moroccan Coalition of Human Rights Groups demanded that the government intervene urgently to put an end to takfir fatwas being issued on people like Assid and journalist Mokhtar el-Ghzioui and calling for their blood.

"Assid has expressed his opinion that the current school curricula may help spread violence and hatred," said Khadija Ryadi, the coalition's coordinator. "After that, he was threatened by intolerant groups."

"The state has to confront all of these fatwas firmly and seriously, using all legal and media means," Ryadi added.

Indeed, the law in Morocco "prevails over the opinions of religious leaders", Islamic Affairs Minister Ahmed Toufiq told the Foreign Affairs Commission of the Chamber of Representatives last Tuesday.

Morocco's Criminal Code does not penalise apostasy, he added.


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