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Tuesday, May 14, 2013
the last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him

Sahih Muslim 6985

The Daily Mail reported shortly after the identities of the Boston jihad bombings were revealed that dead jihadist Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s “only American friend” had his ‘throat slit’ in an unsolved murder in 2011.”

This unsolved triple murder was of three young Jewish men (two devout). It was originally reported that the murders took place on Sept. 12, 2011, but that too was wrong. The bodies were found on the 12th, but these Jewish boys were murdered on Sept. 11, 2011, the 10th anniversary of jihadi attack on American soil that killed 3,000 people.
Thank you Pamela Geller. I wish there were more of you to expose this evil.
Today's news made by « wnd » 

The Daily Mail reported shortly after the identities of the Boston jihad bombings were revealed that dead jihadist Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s “only American friend” had his ‘throat slit’ in an unsolved murder in 2011.” It struck me as odd, especially when the media said Tsarnaev was “changed” after the murders. I was stunned shortly afterward to learn that the boy who had his throat cut was Jewish. Worse still, there were two more victims with their throats slit.

This unsolved triple murder was of three young Jewish men (two devout). It was originally reported that the murders took place on Sept. 12, 2011, but that too was wrong. The bodies were found on the 12th, but these Jewish boys were murdered on Sept. 11, 2011, the 10th anniversary of jihadi attack on American soil that killed 3,000 people. When I first heard that the older jihad bomber, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, was one of the victims’ best friends, it sickened me. The media called one of these Jewish victims the “bomber’s only American friend.”

I knew better. Beheading Jews on Sept. 11? It had to be devout Muslims. Tamerlan Tsarnaev was a devout Muslim who opposed the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq because they fought against jihadists. He read Islamic supremacist websites and literature that claimed that the CIA was behind the jihad attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and that (of course) the Jews controlled the world.
Beheading Jews on Sept. 11? It had to be devout Muslims.

I tried to hire a private investigator to look into the case, but no one would touch it. It was white-hot and active. But it only became active after the Boston Marathon jihad bombing, a year-and-a-half after the murders. What took the police so long? If they had solved this murder, there would have been no bombing at the Boston Marathon.

Throat-slitting is a jihad specialty. Under Islam, slaughtering Jews is the most “righteous” of all murder of infidels. Sébastien Selam was a popular disc jockey at Queen, a hot Parisian nightclub. In 2004, a Muslim neighbor of Selam slit his throat and gouged his eyes out. Then he cried out, “I killed my Jew. I will go to heaven!” Ilan Halimi was a young Jewish man kidnapped by a Muslim gang in France. He was targeted, tortured for weeks and ultimately murdered because he was Jewish.

The murder of Ilan Halimi can only be described as an unspeakable horror. A group calling itself the Muslim Barbarians targeted Jewish men for torture and murder. Halimi was held captive for weeks in an Islamic homemade concentration camp that the Muslim Barbarians had set up. Apartment dwellers, all Muslims, heard Ilan’s screams and cries of torture over a period of three weeks, and yet did not call the cops. The screams must have been loud, because the torture was especially atrocious: The thugs cut bits of flesh off the young man. They cut his fingers and ears. They burned him with acid. They poured flammable liquid on him and set him on fire. Not only did the Muslims in the building not go to the police – they did nothing at all. Worse, many took part in the tortures.

It’s not just in Europe or in most obviously and viciously anti-Semitic Muslim countries in the Middle East. It’s here in America. A Muslim gang plotted to blow up synagogues in New York City. Assistant U.S. Attorney Eric Snyder said, “These were people who were eager to bring death to Jews. It’s hard to envision a more chilling plot.”
When the Jew’s blood reds my knife, then my life is free from strife … shoot and kill Jews one by one.
Emerson Begolly, an American convert to Islam indicted on terror charges in 2011, wrote songs and posted them on jihadi websites. Sample lyrics: “When the Jew’s blood reds my knife, then my life is free from strife … shoot and kill Jews one by one.” Zachary Chesser, another U.S. convert to Islam who was arrested trying to join a jihad terror group, wrote: “May Allah blow up the Jews.”

And there are so many others like these. While Hamas-CAIR whines and moans about a mythical “anti-Muslim” backlash following in the wake of the Boston jihad bombings, or about a photo of the World Trade Center left on the grounds of a mosque, let me be perfectly clear: The murders of Brendan Mess, Erik Weissman and Raphael Teken were hate crimes. Jihad is a hate crime. Islamic Jew hatred is a hate crime.

Every news story about the triple murder of these three young Jews omits the most crucial fact in the case as to motive. These boys were Jewish, and that is why they were practically beheaded by these Muslim supremacists. Islamic Jew-hatred – Jews the world over (and most assuredly in Israel) know it well – has persisted for 1,400 years. The Quran says: “Strongest among men in enmity to the believers wilt thou find the Jews …” (5:82).

And Muhammad said that “the last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him” (Sahih Muslim 6985).
These boys were Jewish, and that is why they were practically beheaded by these Muslim supremacists
New evidence has come to light in the triple murder of these three boys. ABC News is reporting that forensic evidence at the crime scene links the Boston jihad bombers to the murders, and that their cell phone records show that they were in the area at the time of the killings.

Will this horrific slaughter get the same media attention as the Jody Arias case? Will the media speak to the motive of the mass slaughter of the Jews? Or they will continue to whitewash and scrub the most vicious, brutal ideology on the face of the earth?


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