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Friday, May 31, 2013
The Prophet said, 'Whenever anyone makes water he should not hold his penis or clean his private parts with his right hand. While drinking, one should not breathe in the utensil.'
Bukhari: V1B4N156
Bukhari: V1B4N156
According to Arabic squiggly media, during a recent conference in Egypt, Dr. Abdul Rahman al-Birr—the mufti of the Muslim Brotherhood—declared that...“Israel will soon be gone, for it is a foreign body in the region and [its] history, and that Jerusalem will be liberated, not at the hands of the previous Muhammads but the current one, President Muhammad Morsi."
However, in a recent statement, al-Birr said he was taken out of context, that the "liberation" of Jerusalem at the hands of Morsi was not his prediction, but rather a tradition among the rabbis of Israel, who, according to the Brotherhood's mufti, knew that Israel's demise was inevitable, and that it would come not at the hands President Muhammad Anwar al-Sadat, nor Muhammad Hosni Mubarak, but the “third Muhammad”—the Muslim Brotherhood’s Muhammad.
Nice. Well these numbnuts should get together with Frankie the Pope who has just finished an exorcism on some Jinns and apparently the Wiggles are free next week and the gnome at the bottom of my garden is keen to participate in a spruikfest about... marijuana or virgins or anything...
Today's news made by « jihadwatch »
Tags:Islam can be fun | 0
Our dead are in Paradise; your dead are in Hell.
Ever since 9/11, every time some place or another on the planet has been struck by a major jihadist act, the mainstream media have reliably come out with stories about “backlash” against Muslims.
Not accounts of actual backlash, mind you, but pieces in which various academics, public officials, Muslim leaders, and other sensitive souls have been described as wringing their hands over the dreaded possibility that some of us boorish infidels might respond to this latest action by going on the warpath against innocent Muslims.
Indeed, it’s hard to think of anything that more dramatically reflects the difference between the Islamic and Western cultures than the contrast between the brutality and scale of the jihadist attacks on the West in recent years and the extraordinarily low level and modest scale of actions taken against Muslim targets in revenge.
The Mail mentioned another “incident,” one in which two men had been charged with “religiously aggravated threatening behaviour” at a London fast-food joint. But, again, no details. Had they pulled a knife on somebody? Or gotten a drop of mustard on a Koran?
Your half-witted dhimmi politicians and their dhimmi police force tallies every Facebook rant against brutal Muslims, as a hate-crime. Verbal displays of anger by grieving citizens thus metamorphosed into an imaginary "backlash". Even if there were hundreds, or even thousand of these angry rants, who cares? These words by angry citizens of a civilised country are simply rallying against the murderous butchers of Islam.
Remember in "The Life of Brian" The People's Front of Judea were vehemently opposed to the Judean People's Front and then the Judean Popular People's Front also got involved. Clearly your politicians are running your country on the Monty Python script and they seem to believe that if stupidity got them into this mess then stupidity will get them out.
Turning off the oxygen of free speech will be the demise of civilized society.
Remember in "The Life of Brian" The People's Front of Judea were vehemently opposed to the Judean People's Front and then the Judean Popular People's Front also got involved. Clearly your politicians are running your country on the Monty Python script and they seem to believe that if stupidity got them into this mess then stupidity will get them out.
Turning off the oxygen of free speech will be the demise of civilized society.
Today's news made by « frontpagemag »
Believers, when you meet unbelieving infidels in battle while you are marching for war, never turn your backs to them. If any turns his back on such a day, unless it be in a stratagem of war, a maneuver to rally his side, he draws on himself the wrath of Allah, and his abode is Hell, an evil refuge!
Koran: 8:15
Koran: 8:15
THE message from the young men was blunt: "You're not in Australia now."
They weren't standing on a street in Iraq, Afghanistan or Lebanon.
This is Bankstown. Sydney. Australia.
It is a safe suburban street surrounded by family homes but there are fears. Areas just like this are in danger of being turned into ghettos by young men - usually born in Australia to Lebanese parents - who are cannon fodder for hardline Muslim preachers. They are part of generation jihad.
An Islamic women's group told of the influence of alarming conservatism that was even demanding gender segregation at weddings "within parts of the Lebanese community in Sydney".
To my many Australian friends... you need to stop your Islamic sewer inundating all your cities as they have in Europe. You can't rely on your politicians to fix the plumbing because they are selling you out to buy votes... Muslim votes.
Today's news made by « dailytelegraph »
"This was thought to support the formation of Muslim-only enclaves, leading to long-term problems such as unemployment," said the report, released in March.
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click here to view the post.
And for those who launch a charge against their wives, accusing them, but have no witnesses or evidence, except themselves; let the testimony of one of them be four testimonies, (swearing four times) by Allah that he is the one speaking the truth.
Koran: 24:6
Koran: 24:6
Saudi women to be forced to stay at home to protect their chastity
a law proposed by the government against sexual harassment in newly mixed workplaces was “only meant to encourage consensual debauchery”
These are the smarmy muhammanoid arseholes you dredge up when you trawl the sewers of Islam.
Give a little slack here because these defective brains are the product of centuries of inbreeding with you sisters and cousins.... and drinking camel piss.
This imbecile apparently wrote a self-help book called "The Joy of Talking". Thepbublisher dropped the last word of the title "Bullshit".
Give a little slack here because these defective brains are the product of centuries of inbreeding with you sisters and cousins.... and drinking camel piss.
This imbecile apparently wrote a self-help book called "The Joy of Talking". The
Today's news made by « gulfnews »
Abu Dhabi: A Saudi writer has urged his Twitter followers to sexually molest women hired to work as cashiers in big grocery stores, the latest backlash from conservatives who want to roll back limited social and economic reforms launched in Saudi Arabia.
Abdullah Mohammad Al Dawood, who writes self-help books including one called The Joy of Talking, has stirred fierce debate this week via the internet microblogging service with the use of the hashtag harass_female_cashiers, to press for Saudi women to be forced to stay at home to protect their chastity.
Abdullah Mohammad Al Dawood, who writes self-help books including one called The Joy of Talking, has stirred fierce debate this week via the internet microblogging service with the use of the hashtag harass_female_cashiers, to press for Saudi women to be forced to stay at home to protect their chastity.
The Lord with Whom they cannot dare to speak, none can converse with Him, none are able to address Him.
Koran: 78:37
Koran: 78:37
This Beheading Should Be a Seminal Moment in Our Tolerance of Islam
It is difficult for Westerners who have to toil long and hard to put food on the table for their family to comprehend that there is a ‘culture’ out there which is hell bent on destroying the West, destroying all we stand for.
Islam is now busy establishing itself here in the West; indeed, it is the fastest-growing religion in the West today. Therefore, the West is in great danger of being taken back 1400 years to a bygone age, an altogether less enlightened age, a dark age.
The gruesome beheading of one of our soldiers in a London street should be the final wake-up call for those who have been too slow to awaken from their slumbers. It should be plain for everyone to see by now that we are dealing with a force of darkness.
Today's news made by « librabunda/ Mark Alexander »
In my book, The Dawning of a New Dark Age, I warned in strong words that something would have to be done to keep Westerners safe from the danger that is Islam. Many might have thought that my words were alarmist. Today’s beheading in Woolwich, London proves them wrong. I have been vindicated.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
The climate of Medina did not suit some people so the Prophet ordered them to drink camel urine as a medicine.
Bukhari: V7B71N590
Bukhari: V7B71N590
Gunmen kill female polio worker in NW Pakistan, 5 Shiite Muslims killed in bomb, gun attacks
The latest attack against people involved in efforts to eradicate the crippling disease from this violence-torn country.
Pakistani militants have alleged in the past that the polio workers are U.S. spies and that the vaccine makes people sterile.
Yes the Polio Vaccine makes Muslim scrotums shrivel and fall off. Inshallah!
The West has a clandestine campaign to sterilise muhammanoids to stop their rabbit-like inbreeding. The aim is to replicate Australia's successful myxomatosis cull of the rabbit plague.
Muhammanoids know that polio is cured by praying to Allah the peachy and his sidekick Muhammad the paedophile murderer.
These prayers are clearly effective, as can be witnessed by the earthquakes and tsunamis that Allah, the too much and his sidekick Muhammad the paedophile and murderer, have used in the past to eradicate dumbass Muslims. Inshallah! Muslims slaughtering other Muslims is clearly part of the divine plan also. Inshallah!
Imbibing camel piss is a cure for polio. See Bukhari: V7B71N590 quote above.
You can try this as well from Bukhari: V7B71N673 "Allah's Apostle said, 'If a fly falls in your drink, dip all of it into the cup and then throw it away, for in one of its wings there is a disease and in the other there is healing, an antidote or treatment for that disease.'"
The West has a clandestine campaign to sterilise muhammanoids to stop their rabbit-like inbreeding. The aim is to replicate Australia's successful myxomatosis cull of the rabbit plague.
These prayers are clearly effective, as can be witnessed by the earthquakes and tsunamis that Allah, the too much and his sidekick Muhammad the paedophile and murderer, have used in the past to eradicate dumbass Muslims. Inshallah! Muslims slaughtering other Muslims is clearly part of the divine plan also. Inshallah!
Imbibing camel piss is a cure for polio. See Bukhari: V7B71N590 quote above.
You can try this as well from Bukhari: V7B71N673 "Allah's Apostle said, 'If a fly falls in your drink, dip all of it into the cup and then throw it away, for in one of its wings there is a disease and in the other there is healing, an antidote or treatment for that disease.'"
Today's news made by « vancouverdesi »
PESHAWAR, Pakistan — Gunmen shot dead a female polio worker and wounded another in Pakistan’s northwest on Tuesday, the latest attack against people involved in efforts to eradicate the crippling disease from this violence-torn country.
The attacks have made it harder for Pakistan to join the vast majority of nations declared polio-free, and late Tuesday, government officials were debating whether to suspend the U.N.-backed vaccination campaign in the northwest.
No group has claimed responsibility for the latest killings, but some Pakistani militants have alleged in the past that the polio workers are U.S. spies and that the vaccine makes people sterile.
The attacks have made it harder for Pakistan to join the vast majority of nations declared polio-free, and late Tuesday, government officials were debating whether to suspend the U.N.-backed vaccination campaign in the northwest.
No group has claimed responsibility for the latest killings, but some Pakistani militants have alleged in the past that the polio workers are U.S. spies and that the vaccine makes people sterile.
Pakistani militants have alleged in the past that the polio workers are U.S. spies and that the vaccine makes people sterile.
They will say, 'Woe to us! This is the Day of Doom.' Assemble the wrong-doers and their wives and the things they worshipped besides Allah, then lead them to the fierce flaming fires of Hell.
Koran: 37:19
Koran: 37:19
Time to listen to this heroic woman.
Another Islamist terror attack, another round of assurances that it had nothing to do with the religion of peace.
Memo to the BBC: The killers were shouting "Allahu akbar" as they struck. Yet when complaints rained down on the BBC about Mr. Robinson's word choice, he felt obliged to atone. One can only wonder at people who can be so exquisitely sensitive in protecting Islam's reputation yet so utterly desensitized to a hideous murder explicitly committed in the name of Islam.
This happens every time. Muslim men wearing suits and ties, or women wearing stylish headscarves, are sent out to reassure the world that these attacks have no place in real Islam, that they are aberrations and corruptions of the true faith.
I've seen this before. A Muslim terrorist slays a non-Muslim citizen in the West, and representatives of the Muslim community rush to dissociate themselves and their faith from the horror. After British soldier Lee Rigby was hacked to death last week in Woolwich in south London, Julie Siddiqi, representing the Islamic Society of Britain, quickly stepped before the microphones to attest that all good Muslims were "sickened" by the attack, "just like everyone else."
The question requiring an answer at this moment in history is clear: Which group of leaders really speaks for Islam? The officially approved spokesmen for the "Muslim community"? Or the manic street preachers of political Islam, who indoctrinate, encourage and train the killers—and then bless their bloodshed?
Today's news made by « wsj »
This happens every time. Muslim men wearing suits and ties, or women wearing stylish headscarves, are sent out to reassure the world that these attacks have no place in real Islam, that they are aberrations and corruptions of the true faith.
Bakri also told the press: "The Prophet said an infidel and his killer will not meet in Hell. That's a beautiful saying. May God reward [Adebolajo] for his actions . . . I don't see it as a crime as far as Islam is concerned."
A quiet man, very shy, asking lots of questions about Islam," Bakri recalled last week. The teacher was impressed to see in the grisly video how far his shy disciple had come, "standing firm, courageous, brave. Not running away.
But then what to make of Omar Bakri? He too claims to speak for the true faith, though he was unavailable for cameras in England last week because the Islamist group he founded, Al-Muhajiroun, was banned in Britain in 2010. Instead, he talked to the media from Tripoli in northern Lebanon, where he now lives. Michael Adebolajo—the accused Woolwich killer who was seen on a video at the scene of the murder, talking to the camera while displaying his bloody hands and a meat cleaver—was Bakri's student a decade ago, before his group was banned. "A quiet man, very shy, asking lots of questions about Islam," Bakri recalled last week. The teacher was impressed to see in the grisly video how far his shy disciple had come, "standing firm, courageous, brave. Not running away."Bakri also told the press: "The Prophet said an infidel and his killer will not meet in Hell. That's a beautiful saying. May God reward [Adebolajo] for his actions . . . I don't see it as a crime as far as Islam is concerned."
"Lo this (Qur'an) is a conclusive Word; it is not a thing for amusement. It is no pleasantry. And it is no joke.
Koran: 86:13
Koran: 86:13
Importing beggars
A consequence of Labor’s new “compassionate” border policies, which left the door wide open:
We are importing a very big social problem.
Is it possible that some Australians see something forbidding in the "asylum seeker" policy of their government.
This man is a real journalist... what on earth could be wrong with him?
This man is a real journalist... what on earth could be wrong with him?
Today's news made by « heraldsun/Andrew Bolt »
A consequence of Labor’s new “compassionate” border policies, which left the door wide open:
A new underclass of 100,000 asylum seekers, living on as little as $220 a week and with no rights to work, could be created in just five years if current trends continue.
Charities have warned they are unable to cope with the rising tide of impoverished asylum seekers, with one centre in Melbourne’s south-east closing its doors to new clients after being ‘’swamped’’ with requests for food aid…
Since October 2011, 16,477 people have been released on bridging visas while their claims for protection are considered. Of these, 7256 are subject to the government’s no-advantage policies, meaning they have no rights to work and are eligible for just 89 per cent of the dole - about $220 a week.
Immigration Department secretary Martin Bowles insisted at a parliamentary hearing on Tuesday there had been no ‘’freeze’’ on processing asylum seekers’ refugee applications - even though not one of the 19,760 who arrived after August 13 has had their claim processed.
We are importing a very big social problem.
A new underclass of 100,000 asylum seekers, living on as little as $220 a week and with no rights to work, could be created in just five years if current trends continue.
Since October 2011, 16,477 people have been released on bridging visas while their claims for protection are considered. Of these, 7256 are subject to the government’s no-advantage policies, meaning they have no rights to work and are eligible for just 89 per cent of the dole - about $220 a week.
Immigration Department secretary Martin Bowles insisted at a parliamentary hearing on Tuesday there had been no ‘’freeze’’ on processing asylum seekers’ refugee applications - even though not one of the 19,760 who arrived after August 13 has had their claim processed.
We are importing a very big social problem.
Tags:Media Sell Out,Suckers | 0
God did not create man in his own image. Evidently, it was quite the other way about, which is the painless explanation for the profusion of gods and religions, and the fratricide both between and among faiths, that we see all about us and that has so retarded the development of civilization.
Christopher Hitchens
Christopher Hitchens
Frankie performs his first exorcism – but the Vatican plays down the alleged banishing of four demons
John Paul II fought many times against Satan. Those battles continue, even though he is dead. In fact he is present today in many exorcisms. If you cite his name during an exorcism, the person who is possessed literally froths at the mouth in fury.
I would venture that it doesn’t take an exorcism to make people “froth at the mouth in fury” at the mention of John Paul’s name. After all, he failed miserably to respond to the sex abuse of children endemic in the Church, and his opposition to artificial birth control, including the use of condoms to prevent the spread of HIV, served to compounded poverty and was the direct cause millions of preventable AIDS deaths.
Oh Dear Frankie, what a numbnut you have turned out to be. Playing childish magical games like "Evict four foul demons"
I was relying on you to deal with the Muslims who are murdering Christians all over the middle east and Africa but you are concerned only with stone-age magical thinking like morphing dead people into non-existent saints and banishing non-existent demons.
Shame on you! You have squandered your opportunity to do some good.
I was relying on you to deal with the Muslims who are murdering Christians all over the middle east and Africa but you are concerned only with stone-age magical thinking like morphing dead people into non-existent saints and banishing non-existent demons.
Shame on you! You have squandered your opportunity to do some good.
Today's news made by « freethinker »
The pilgrim, said to be a 43-year old married man from Mexico called Angelo, convulsed briefly and emitted a long sigh. His body went limp and his mouth dropped open.

Precisely the same thing would happen, I reckon, if Justin Bieber were to lay his hands on a teenage girl – or even a boy.
And he’s angry that the Vatican downplayed the incident, although it used ambiguous language that did not deny altogether that Francis had tried to rid the man of evil.
Said Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi:
John Paul II fought many times against Satan. Those battles continue, even though he is dead. In fact he is present today in many exorcisms. If you cite his name during an exorcism, the person who is possessed literally froths at the mouth in fury.
I would venture that it doesn’t take an exorcism to make people “froth at the mouth in fury” at the mention of John Paul’s name. After all, he failed miserably to respond to the sex abuse of children endemic in the Church, and his opposition to artificial birth control, including the use of condoms to prevent the spread of HIV, served to compounded poverty and was the direct cause millions of preventable AIDS deaths.
Precisely the same thing would happen, I reckon, if Justin Bieber were to lay his hands on a teenage girl – or even a boy.
the man had been possessed by demons, and that the Pope had carried out his very first exorcism
But the head of the International Association of Exorcists – Father Gabriele Amorth – claims that the man had been possessed by demons, and that the Pope had carried out his very first exorcism.And he’s angry that the Vatican downplayed the incident, although it used ambiguous language that did not deny altogether that Francis had tried to rid the man of evil.
Said Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi:
The Holy Father did not intend to carry out any exorcism. Instead, as he often does for sick and suffering people, he simply intended to pray for a person who was presented to him.
No, no, NO protested Amorth, who says the man was possessed by no fewer than four demons:It was a real exorcism. If the Vatican has denied this, it shows that they understand nothing.
Amorth added that there was now, more than ever, a need for exorcists to combat people possessed by “sorcerers” and “Satanists”:We live in an age in which God has been forgotten. And wherever God is not present, the Devil reigns.
He acknowledged that many people, even Catholics, regarded exorcism as mumbo-jumbo but insisted they were mistaken.Those who don’t believe should read the Gospels. Jesus continually performed exorcisms. Today, unfortunately, bishops appoint too few exorcists. We need many more. I hope that Rome will send out directives to bishops around the world calling on them to appoint more exorcists.
He said John Paul II had carried out many exorcisms during his pontificate, but that Benedict XVI had not performed any, instead leaving it to bishops and priests.John Paul II fought many times against Satan. Those battles continue, even though he is dead. In fact he is present today in many exorcisms. If you cite his name during an exorcism, the person who is possessed literally froths at the mouth in fury.
I would venture that it doesn’t take an exorcism to make people “froth at the mouth in fury” at the mention of John Paul’s name. After all, he failed miserably to respond to the sex abuse of children endemic in the Church, and his opposition to artificial birth control, including the use of condoms to prevent the spread of HIV, served to compounded poverty and was the direct cause millions of preventable AIDS deaths.
And for those who launch a charge against their wives, accusing them, but have no witnesses or evidence, except themselves; let the testimony of one of them be four testimonies, (swearing four times) by Allah that he is the one speaking the truth.
Koran: 24:6
Koran: 24:6
The judge is pathetic for saying that this was "a very sad case." It is an outrage. Women as chattel and the inherrent misogyny is not sad, it's monstrous, and should be responded to as a grievous human rights abuse.
Pam Geller: Jihad watch
How the hell can Muslim women live the lives of domestic animals? Because in Islam, that is what they are. Koran(2:223) - "Your wives are as a tilth unto you; so approach your tilth when or how ye will."
Today's news made by « atlasshrugs2000 »
Two women could be jailed after it was alleged they conspired to force a girl to marry against her will, breaching a court order banning any arranged wedding.
The girl, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, turned up at a police station on May 20 alleging she had been forced by her family to marry a man she had only met once, counsel for Bedfordshire Police James Weston told a hearing at Luton County Court.
The girl also alleged death threats had previously been made against her if she refused to marry he said.
His Honour Judge Sir Gavyn Arthur, presiding, said it appeared to be "a very sad case".
Both women deny any breaches.
At an administrative hearing in the case, Mr Weston said the orders had been made after the girl told police "there were threats to take her to Pakistan and force her to marry".
The girl had also alleged that if she refused "she would be taken to Pakistan and shot, and everybody back home would be told it was suicide".
The girl, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, turned up at a police station on May 20 alleging she had been forced by her family to marry a man she had only met once, counsel for Bedfordshire Police James Weston told a hearing at Luton County Court.
The girl also alleged death threats had previously been made against her if she refused to marry he said.
His Honour Judge Sir Gavyn Arthur, presiding, said it appeared to be "a very sad case".
if she refused "she would be taken to Pakistan and shot, and everybody back home would be told it was suicide
The women are accused of breaching Forced Marriage Protection Orders made by Judge Arthur at Luton County Court on November 27, 2012.Both women deny any breaches.
At an administrative hearing in the case, Mr Weston said the orders had been made after the girl told police "there were threats to take her to Pakistan and force her to marry".
The girl had also alleged that if she refused "she would be taken to Pakistan and shot, and everybody back home would be told it was suicide".
Little do you remember My warning. How many towns have We destroyed as a raid by night? Our punishment took them suddenly while they slept for their afternoon rest. Our terror came to them; Our punishment overtook them.
Koran: 7:3
Koran: 7:3
Islam's rule of numbers and the beheading in London
Once extremists become the majority, the violence ironically wanes, but that’s because there are fewer infidels to persecute. And what infidels remain lead paranoid, low-key existences—as dhimmis—always careful to “know their place.”
Islamic violence is always placed in the context of “grievances,” a word that pacifies Westerners.
Today's news made by « foxnews »
As surreal as this event may seem, Islamic beheadings are not uncommon in the West, including the U.S.
In 2011, a Pakistani-American who helped develop “Bridges TV”—a station “designed to counter negative stereotypes of Muslims”—beheaded his wife.
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