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Friday, April 05, 2013

Muslim men’s Penises never goes soft in the Islamic Paradise

So, let us see what this Jannat is all about. The idea of the Islamic Paradise (al-Jannah) was invented by the Prophet of Islam, Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (SAW), to bribe the Pagan Arabs into committing hideous crimes by promising them materialistic things in the afterlife---things which they couldn’t ever obtain in the harsh Arabian Desert! This heavenly abode contains six important items:

beautiful virgins
young pearly boys
pure water
rivers of wine
delicious fruits
unending wealth, royal livings

Apparently some of the X-rated benefits are (sorry no such benefits for Muslim women):

72 Virgins (eternally young and who never menstruate and “all will have appetizing vaginas”)
Permanent Erection (Muslim men’s Penises never goes soft in the Islamic Paradise)
Endless homosexual pleasure (with handsome boys of perpetual freshness)
all will have appetizing vaginas
Read the details: The Muslim heaven is instead a Disneyland of sensuality or, as one can describe it as the X-rated Paradise of Islam. Unlike on the earth, in this heavenly abode “sin” no longer exists. Virtually any sensual pleasures desired by those blessed Muslims are enough to gain admittance here, is permitted and provided all…

We have heard vaguely of the “72 virgins” or Houris, promised as dedicated sex-slaves to each Muslim man in Paradise in addition to his wives from earth.

This, in the sayings of the Prophet, is “the smallest reward” someone can expect in Islam’s paradise. (see The Tafsir of Quran 55:72; Book of Sunan, Vol. IV, Chapter 21, Hadith 2687). These black-eyed beauties will be true virgins, ever violated “by man or jinn” (genie).
miraculously, each of the millions of times a Muslim man in Paradise copulates with them, they will be again virgin

And, miraculously, each of the millions of times a Muslim man in Paradise copulates with them, they will be again virgin. They will remain eternally youthful and fresh. Moreover – and here young and sensitive readers are warned to stop reading – as Ibn Warraq quotes the renowned Koranic commentator Al-Suyuti (d. 1505) in The Guardian, in Paradise:

“The penis of the Elected never softens. The erection is eternal; the sensation that you feel each time you have sex is utterly delicious and out of this world, and were you to experience it in this world you would faint.
Each chosen one [i.e., Muslim] will marry seventy [sic] houris, besides the women he married on earth, and all will have appetizing vaginas.”

How far will Muslims go in their attempts to follow as literally as possible the teachings of Islam, especially the many countless and colorful fatwas that appear from their ulema, that is, “the ones who know”—the “scholars” of Islam?

Many are aware that Islamic law bans men and women who are not married or related from being in each other’s company. Recently, however, a Saudi cleric, Sheikh Abdullah Da ‘ud, took it a step further on live Arabic TV by repeatedly declaring that “it is forbidden to be around handsome youth, those beardless boys who have a touch of temptation in them [fitna].”

...it is forbidden to be around handsome youth, those beardless boys who have a touch of temptation in them [fitna]
Nor is Sheikh Da‘ud the only one to suggest that beardless youth are sources of temptation for Muslim men. Islam Web has an English-language fatwa supporting Sheikh Da‘ud’s assertions. And here is American Muslim preacher Khalid Yasin saying that “among the companions of the Prophet, they used not to even look at a man who shaves his beard for fear they may have desire for him.”

Perhaps this explains why Abu Islam, another notorious Egyptian preacher, insisted that one of his secular opponents, Bassem Youssef, whom he referred to as a beardless “pretty boy,” should wear the niqab, the face veil worn by some Muslim women.

...beardless “pretty boy,” should wear the niqab, the face veil worn by some Muslim women
As Wael Ibrashi of Dream TV, who aired this clip, put it, “At a time when the world is busy trying to find cures for cancer and for all the diseases that afflict society, and trying to advance and develop technology, unfortunately some of Islam’s preachers take us backwards in time through their backwards fatwas”—fatwas which seem to get worse with each passing year, such as the recommendation that Muslims drink camel urine for its salutary benefits, based on prophet Muhammad’s advice.

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