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Monday, April 22, 2013
Believers who sit home and those who go out for Jihad in Allah's Cause are not equal.
Muslim: C40B20N4676
Muslim: C40B20N4676
Let me be very clear. The terrorist attack in Boston and evolving events indicate we have a domestic radical Islamic terror problem in America
We must no longer allow the disciples of political correctness and the acolytes of the Muslim Brotherhood (CAIR, ISNA, MPAC, MAS) to preach to us some misconceived definition of tolerance and subservience.
Today's news made by « washingtontimes »
Former Florida Rep. Allen West issued a scathing statement on his Facebook page Friday, in response to the ongoing manhunt for one of the suspects in the Boston Marathon bombings.

“Let me be very clear. The terrorist attack in Boston and evolving events indicate we have a domestic radical Islamic terror problem in America,” he wrote. “No more excuses. No more apologies. We are in a war of ideological wills and we shall prevail.”
He also recounted previous congressional attempts to hold hearings on radical Islamism.
“When Rep. Peter King attempted to have hearings on domestic terrorism, he was attacked for being racist,” Mr. West wrote.
He said: “We must no longer allow the disciples of political correctness and the acolytes of the Muslim Brotherhood (CAIR, ISNA, MPAC, MAS) to preach to us some misconceived definition of tolerance and subservience.”
CAIR stands for the Council on American-Islamic Relations. ISNA is the Islamic Society of North America. MPAC is the Muslim Public Affairs Council. And MAS is the Muslim American Society.
“Let me be very clear. The terrorist attack in Boston and evolving events indicate we have a domestic radical Islamic terror problem in America,” he wrote. “No more excuses. No more apologies. We are in a war of ideological wills and we shall prevail.”
He also recounted previous congressional attempts to hold hearings on radical Islamism.
“When Rep. Peter King attempted to have hearings on domestic terrorism, he was attacked for being racist,” Mr. West wrote.
He said: “We must no longer allow the disciples of political correctness and the acolytes of the Muslim Brotherhood (CAIR, ISNA, MPAC, MAS) to preach to us some misconceived definition of tolerance and subservience.”
CAIR stands for the Council on American-Islamic Relations. ISNA is the Islamic Society of North America. MPAC is the Muslim Public Affairs Council. And MAS is the Muslim American Society.
Tags:Islam Misunderstood,Islamic Suicide Bombing,Islamophobia,War; Terrorism; Brutality; Violence; Bloodshed; Savagery
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