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Saturday, April 20, 2013
The Prophet said, 'I have been given the keys of eloquent speech and given victory with terror.
Bukhari: V9B87N127
Bukhari: V9B87N127
Feiz Mohammad: Radical Muslim Preacher Who Inspired Boston Marathon Bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev
If Westerners had an uncivilized mindset modeled after the Muslim, we would rampage through the streets of Boston and other cities in the USA torching property and murdering Muslims wherever we found them. Oh! And Raping. And burning down their houses and Mosques. We would wave banners scrawled with "Kill ALL Muslim Pigs!" And "Behead the Imams" And "Death to Muslims." And "Islam Is a Death Cult!" And "Not All Muslims are Not Terrorists!" And "Kill Unbelievers of Christianity!" And "Muslims are Pigs and Monkeys!" And "Behead Muslims who Blaspheme against Jehovah!"
Today's news made by « ibtimes. »
Feiz Mohammad, the radical preacher cited by dead Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev, is a former boxer who blames women for being raped and called for a prominent Dutch politician to be beheaded.

Widely known as ‘Sheikh Feiz’, the preacher was born in Australia circa 1970-1 but fled to Lebanon, the homeland of his parents, eight years ago after becoming one of the world's most controversial Islamic lecturers.
Feiz has been described by some as Australia’s most dangerous sheikh, because of the number of connections he holds to known terrorists.
Although it is not known whether the hardline sheikh has any direct links to Al-Qaeda, he has regularly broadcast sermons from the group’s spiritual leader, Anwar al-Awlaki, on his website.
Feiz’s parents emigrated from Lebanon to Sydney before he was born, and he has described his family as “so-called” Muslim – hinting strongly that he disapproves of their level of commitment.
The future preacher competed as a boxer, bodybuilder and horse trainer in his teens, and apparently used drugs before rediscovering his faith and moving to Saudi Arabia, where he studied Islamic law.
Upon his return to Sydney, Feiz founded the Global Islamic Youth Centre in the suburb of Liverpool, reaching a community of more than 4,000 Muslims, and began to make the radical sermons which have earned international notoriety.
In 2010 he described Dutch politician Gert Wilders, an open opponent of Islam, as “evil filth” adding: “Anyone who mocks our learning, laughs at the Islam [sic] and degrades it must enter death – decapitate him, cut off his head.”
Hardline views
In sermons propagated on YouTube, Mohammad has cited alcohol, hip hop and consumerism as among society’s greatest ills, and warned that “every innovation is misguided”.
He has even claimed that Jewish people are pigs, and asserted that “anyone who tries to play with the sacred code of Shariah is kaffir… the only law for him is beheadness (sic), execution.”
In a sermon on rape, made in March 2005, Mohammad told an audience - who had each paid $15 to see him - that a victim has “no-one to blame but herself. She displayed her beauty to the entire world.
"Would you put this sheep that you adore in the middle of hungry wolves? No... It would be devoured. It's the same situation here. You're putting this precious girl in front of lustful, satanic eyes of hungry wolves.”
Mohammed fled to Lebanon in 2005, and reports differ as to his current location.
Although it is widely reported he is now living in Malaysia, where he continues to give regular lectures, some suggest he has returned to Australia – even though the Sydney government has repeatedly condemned him.
Despite his purported hatred of capitalism and consumerism, Mohammad continues to sell his videos on the internet and charge for sermons.
Widely known as ‘Sheikh Feiz’, the preacher was born in Australia circa 1970-1 but fled to Lebanon, the homeland of his parents, eight years ago after becoming one of the world's most controversial Islamic lecturers.
Feiz has been described by some as Australia’s most dangerous sheikh, because of the number of connections he holds to known terrorists.
He has been investigated by Australian police for inciting violence and terrorism, and was even captured on a British TV documentary encouraging children to become martyrs for Islam six years ago.Feiz has been described by some as Australia’s most dangerous sheikh, because of the number of connections he holds to known terrorists.
Although it is not known whether the hardline sheikh has any direct links to Al-Qaeda, he has regularly broadcast sermons from the group’s spiritual leader, Anwar al-Awlaki, on his website.
Feiz’s parents emigrated from Lebanon to Sydney before he was born, and he has described his family as “so-called” Muslim – hinting strongly that he disapproves of their level of commitment.
The future preacher competed as a boxer, bodybuilder and horse trainer in his teens, and apparently used drugs before rediscovering his faith and moving to Saudi Arabia, where he studied Islamic law.
Upon his return to Sydney, Feiz founded the Global Islamic Youth Centre in the suburb of Liverpool, reaching a community of more than 4,000 Muslims, and began to make the radical sermons which have earned international notoriety.
there is nothing more beloved to me than wanting to die as a Muhajid
In 2007, a Channel 4 documentary entitled Undercover Mosque broadcast footage of Feiz urging children to become “soldiers defending Islam”, adding “there is nothing more beloved to me than wanting to die as a Muhajid.”In 2010 he described Dutch politician Gert Wilders, an open opponent of Islam, as “evil filth” adding: “Anyone who mocks our learning, laughs at the Islam [sic] and degrades it must enter death – decapitate him, cut off his head.”
Hardline views
In sermons propagated on YouTube, Mohammad has cited alcohol, hip hop and consumerism as among society’s greatest ills, and warned that “every innovation is misguided”.
He has even claimed that Jewish people are pigs, and asserted that “anyone who tries to play with the sacred code of Shariah is kaffir… the only law for him is beheadness (sic), execution.”
In a sermon on rape, made in March 2005, Mohammad told an audience - who had each paid $15 to see him - that a victim has “no-one to blame but herself. She displayed her beauty to the entire world.
anyone who tries to play with the sacred code of Shariah is kaffir… the only law for him is beheadness
"Strapless, backless, sleeveless, showing their legs, nothing but satanic skirts, slit skirts, translucent blouses, miniskirts, tight jeans: all this to tease man and appeal to his carnal nature."Would you put this sheep that you adore in the middle of hungry wolves? No... It would be devoured. It's the same situation here. You're putting this precious girl in front of lustful, satanic eyes of hungry wolves.”
Mohammed fled to Lebanon in 2005, and reports differ as to his current location.
Although it is widely reported he is now living in Malaysia, where he continues to give regular lectures, some suggest he has returned to Australia – even though the Sydney government has repeatedly condemned him.
Despite his purported hatred of capitalism and consumerism, Mohammad continues to sell his videos on the internet and charge for sermons.
Check The Pulse
Arab Spring Stuff
Australian Stuff
Child Abuse
Female Genital Mutilation
Honor Killing
Islam Evil
Islam Misunderstood
Islam can be fun
Islamic Claptrap; Dhimmitude; Taqiyya; Tabarruj etc
Islamic Justice: Sharia
Islamic Misogyny
Islamic Paedophilia
Islamic Paranoia
Islamic Savagery
Islamic Suicide Bombing
Israeli Stuff
Jewish Issues; Anti-Semitism; Jew- Hatred
Political Correctness
Political Lies
Sciency Stuff
UK Stuff
USA: Administration Lies
War; Terrorism; Brutality; Violence; Bloodshed; Savagery
Women's rights
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