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Saturday, March 23, 2013
'You're sharing Christ's table with Satan': Vile taunts by internet trolls to Christian minister who allowed Muslims into his church to pray
Islamists in all their backward countries routinely destroy Churches, Synagogues and other's places of worship... this includes desecration of cemeteries and religious holy artefacts. The naive reverend should be smacked across his frontal lobe with a Koran and told that Islamists are not fools, they will usurp his church. Read today's post about the destruction of a Church in Indonesia by Islamists and point out the article to this idiot.
St John's Episcopal Church became the first church in the UK to share their building with Muslims after Rev Isaac Poobalan saw members of a neighbouring mosque praying outside in the snow because of a lack of space.
A minister who opened his church to Muslim worshippers told today how he has been hit by a barrage of abuse by internet users. St John's Episcopal Church became the first church in the UK to share their building with Muslims after Rev Isaac Poobalan saw members of a neighbouring mosque praying outside in the snow because of a lack of space. Hundred of Muslims now pray in the Aberdeen Church's main hall and chapel every week, but the news has not been well received by some, who have taken to the church's Facebook page to attack the decision. One user said that the church was 'sharing Christ's table with Satan' before others another predicted a 'flood' of Muslims moving to Aberdeen to convert the church into a mosque and said Rev Poobalan needed to be given the 'boot' before it was too late. Another posted: 'I would leave this so called "church". Allah is Satan, and no God. They (the church) have nothing to say about persecuted Christians, but invite Satan in. 'We are dealing with evil people that bow down to Allah and lost their belief in Jesus a long time ago. Allah has no son.' There is more but it's the same apologist claptrap.
A minister who opened his church to Muslim worshippers told today how he has been hit by a barrage of abuse by internet users. St John's Episcopal Church became the first church in the UK to share their building with Muslims after Rev Isaac Poobalan saw members of a neighbouring mosque praying outside in the snow because of a lack of space. Hundred of Muslims now pray in the Aberdeen Church's main hall and chapel every week, but the news has not been well received by some, who have taken to the church's Facebook page to attack the decision. One user said that the church was 'sharing Christ's table with Satan' before others another predicted a 'flood' of Muslims moving to Aberdeen to convert the church into a mosque and said Rev Poobalan needed to be given the 'boot' before it was too late. Another posted: 'I would leave this so called "church". Allah is Satan, and no God. They (the church) have nothing to say about persecuted Christians, but invite Satan in. 'We are dealing with evil people that bow down to Allah and lost their belief in Jesus a long time ago. Allah has no son.' There is more but it's the same apologist claptrap.
Tags:Islam Misunderstood
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